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Brad has not spoken to me for three days and it's stressing me out. I couldn't remember it the day after but the memories were slowly starting to come back.

I miss him so much, it hurts.

'Hey call me when you get this, we need to talk' I listen to Brad's missed calls. My heart races as I walk downstairs and sit down in the kitchen with Tris.

'Hey I got your call. When do you wanna see me?' I ask, calling him back.

'I'll come over now. See you in a bit' He replies before hanging up. I sigh, putting my phone on the table and runs my hands through my hair in frustration.

'What's happening?' Tris asks, confused.

'Brad's coming over to talk' I take a deep breath. Few minutes later, the door rings and Tris walk to the door.

'She's in the kitchen' I hear Tris say before walking upstairs.

'Hey' I say, looking up at him.

'Hey' He smiles, sitting opposite me at the table.

'How are you?' I ask. 'Sorry. Stupid question' I sigh, shaking my head. He quietly chuckles.

'You're cute when you're nervous' He chuckles. I nervously giggle, looking at my hands.

'Anyway, I'm sorry for what happened' I apologise.

'It's fine. I've been thinking a lot and my family nagged at me a lot, and it wasn't your fault' He smiles.

'I'm so sorry' I stand up and walk to him.

'Baby it wasn't your fault. You didn't kiss him and you pulled away, it shows that even when you're drunk, you still know that you have a boyfriend' He grins as he stand up and hugs me real tight.

'I love you so much' I grin as I bury my head in his chest.

'I love you so damn much' He kisses my forehead.

'I honestly thought you were gonna break up with me' I laugh.

'Never. You're not getting rid of me that easily' He smirks. We kiss one more time before sitting down.

'I missed you' He holds my hand.

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