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2 weeks later and Aria is still sick.

'Dude. It all adds up' James sighs.

'It can't be' I shake my head, refusing to believe.

'It's been almost two months, she's not been herself' James says.

'Did you ask her?' Connor asks.

'No way. She'll bite my head off if I ask' I chuckle lightly.

'What if she is? Would you leave her?' Con asks.

'No. I won't be too happy about it but I love her so much, I'll support whatever decision she makes' I speak.

'Let her rest and we'll wait for the right time' Tristan says. I look at him and he looks like he doesn't want to deal with this right now.

'Why don't you get some sleep' I say, as I notice Tristan kept yawning.

'Okay I'm going' He laughs, walking upstairs to his room

'Did he actually stay up all night to look after her?' Connor asks.

'Yeah. He told me to go home and he wouldn't let me stay' I shrug my shoulders.


'Brad!' I hear Aria shout from upstairs.  I quickly run up and into her room. She wasn't there. I run to the bathroom and she was throwing up in the bath tub.

'Take me to the doctors please. Something isn't right' She cries.

'JAMES!' I shout. He runs upstairs and towards us.

'Please drive us to the hospital now' I demand.

'Okay' He quickly speaks and runs downstairs. I pick her up in my arms and tries to walk down as careful and fast as I can to make it to
James' car outside.

'We'll meet you there' Connor says.

'Everything will be okay' I kiss her head as we start making our way to the hospital. She squeezes my hand many times, I hate seeing her like this. What is wrong with her?



'Aria Evans, please come in' A nurse calls me in. I stand up, so nervous to walk in the room.

'Brad come with me please' I panic.

'The blood test results shows that you're pregnant' The nurse speaks. I gasp, avoiding eye contact with anyone and look down at the floor, not saying anything. Too scared to look at Brad or even hear his voice.

'Were you planning on having a baby?' The nurse asks. I shake my head.

'No' Brad answers. Tears start to stream down my face.

'I'm so sorry' I look at Brad and start to cry.

'Hey hey, it's all going to be okay' Brad hugs me so tight.

'We should've been more careful but no, we were not careful enough. I'm sorry' I sigh.

'Stop apologising' He kisses my cheek.

'Are you going to keep the baby or do you want to think about termination?' The nurse asks. I quickly look up at Brad with teary eyes, not knowing what to say.

'Baby answer the question' He softly speaks, holding my head.

'I don't know' I panic. I can't stop crying.

'Okay. Think about it for a few days, and call me when you've decided' The nurse gives us her contact number. We wait for a few minutes for me to stop crying and walk out of the room. As soon as I saw Connor, James, Tristan, Liv and Bailey, I ran as fast as I could out of the hospital. I couldn't breathe.


'She's pregnant isn't she?' Tris sighs. I didn't say anything.

'Oh my god' Liv gasps.

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