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'Take a picture please' Brad begs me as he puts up a peace sign and poses behind the lake. I laugh, taking a quick snap on my phone.

'There you go' I laugh, showing him the photo.

'You're the best' He chuckles.

'Give me credit if you ever put it on social media' I smirk.

'Of course' He holds my hand as we walk down along the lake, waiting for the others to turn up.


'Happy birthday' I smile at a three year old, wearing a big birthday badge, as she ran up to us.

'Sorry about that' Her mum chuckles. I look at her and she seems so young.

'Don't be. She's so cute' I giggle.

'What's her name?' Brad asks.

'Lily' The mother replies.

'Nice to meet you Lily, happy birthday' He says as she holds his finger. My heart is melting at the sight of him with a baby.

'And what's your name?' I ask the mum.

'Katie' She replies.

'I'm Aria' I smile. We all introduce each other.

'You're a natural with children' Katie chuckles, watching Lily take Brad's hand and runs.

'I'm learning' Brad replies.

'Do you have a kid of your own?' She asks him.

'Not yet' He grins, looking at me.

'In 9 months time, we will' I smile.


'How is she 20, and still looks hot even when she's got a three year old daughter?' Liv asks.

'I hope it'll happen to me after I give birth' I laugh.

'Are you nervous about it?' Connor asks.

'About what?' I ask, confused.

'About a baby basically coming out of your vagina' Liv speaks.

'Oh. Yeah it's on my mind 24/7' I laugh.

'We've got 9 months to prepare, don't worry' Brad kisses my forehead.

'I wanna be your birthing partner' Liv suggests.

'Seriously?' James laugh.

'What?' She frowns.

'You're planning everything' He laughs. She shrugs her shoulders, smiling.

'Wait till we are a couple of months in them we'll discuss this situation' I chuckle.

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