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I wake up with Liv lying down next to me on my hospital bed and the others are sleeping on chairs. I smile whilst looking at Brad as he's wearing his oversized grey jumper and he knows is my favourite jumped on him. I look at the opposite side of the room, looking at Tristan whose long legs are draped over the chair arm.

I try to cough quietly as I wince in pain, slightly moving to make myself comfortable.

'Did I hurt you?' Liv asks quietly.

'No you didn't' I smile, reassuringly.

'I'll move' She says, sitting up and quietly puts her feet on the floor. I grab her hand, ignoring the pain.

'Please stay' I plead.

'Okay' She smiles gently, lying back down next to me and carefully rests her head on my shoulder.

'Hey' I hear Brad mutter, rubbing his eyes violently.

'Hey you' I giggle, turning my face to him slowly as I can't make sudden moves.

'Can't sleep?' He asks, yawning. And that makes me yawn too.

'Nope' I quickly reply, gently adjusting the position I'm in right now.

'I'll stay up with you' He grins, holding my hand.

'It's your turn. We'll swap places now' Liv stands up, waiting for Brad to move out of the chair. He slightly chuckles, carefully lying down next to me and holds my hand again.

'No it's okay. It's only 12 o'clock, I'm going to try to sleep and you should too' I whisper as I notice Connor's slowly waking up. I rest my head on his shoulder as he rest his cheek on my head and I slowly close my eyes.


'I have some books for you and some chocolates' Tristan smiles, walking into the room whilst the others are back at the hotel for a while.

'Aw thanks, didn't have to do that' I grin, holding his hand as he sits on the chair beside my bed.

'I need to tell you something' He sighs, looking at my hand.

'What's up' I speak.

'When you're out of the hospital, I'm taking you back home' He replies.

'No you're not. I'm staying here, in LA' I insist.

'No you're coming back home. Mum and Dad wants you home' He exhales, looking away.

'No I'm staying. Just because of some stupid accident, I'll be fine in a few days and when I'm better, I wanna stay here and have some fun' I plead, looking at him with raised eyebrows and sad eyes.

'You've fallen out with Bailey, what's the point in you staying here?' He asks, with a raised eyebrow.

'It's nice to get away from all the drama back home' I sigh.

'Okay' He sighs, standing up and walks into the back corner of the room, taking his phone out of his pocket probably to call mum or dad.

'Guess who' A familiar brummie accent speaks, running into the room. I instantly grin ear to ear.

'Hmm I don't know' I sarcastically speak, holding my chin pretending to think.

'I see you haven't lost your sense of humour and sarcasm' He laughs, sitting on my bed and kisses my forehead.

'I can't wait to get out of here' I mumble, looking at my thumbs twiddling together.

'Soon babe, you'll be home after' He smiles gently.

'No I'm not. I told Tristan I'm staying' I look over at Tristan who slightly rolled his eyes.

'Dad wants to talk to you' Tris sighs, walking over to me and hands his phone over.

'Hey' I speak.

'It's so good to hear your voice sweetie' He sighs in relief.

'Yours too' I slightly smile.

'Please come home as soon as you can when you're out' He begs. I roll my eyes.

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