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While the boys are rehearsing down in the basement, I sit on my bed and just listen to Brad's voice. I just get so lost in his voice and it kinda makes me happy. Ever since he came back from his holiday, I can't stop myself from thinking about him and when I'm not with him, I just miss him so much and that I want to be in his arms.


'Aria' Tristan calls out from the bottom of the stairs. I sigh, jumping out of my bed and jogs downstairs.

'We need to talk' He sighs, leading us to the kitchen as the boys are in the living room. We sit down at the dining table, my heart starts to race.

'You're scaring me. What's up?' I say, raising my eyebrows.

Why weren't you at work yesterday and today?' He asks, furrowing his eyebrows concerned.

'Wasn't feeling well' I lie, looking down at the table.

'Apparently you quit a few days ago' He raises an eyebrow intimidatingly. Tristan may seem like a gentle guy and he is, but when he's annoyed or worried or angry, you don't wanna be near that guy.

'Yeah' I quietly answer, putting my head in my hands.

'Why?' He asks in a gentle tone, knowing that he intimidated me.

'Just didn't like it' I reply.

'Why didn't you tell me? I spoke to your manager and he said he'll fix the situation about Paige. Did it not work?' He says, rubbing his hand on my back reassuringly.

'Don't worry. I'm going for a walk' I nervously speak, standing up and runs towards the front door.



'What was that about?' Connor asks as I walk into the living room.

'Just found out she's been lying to us about work, she quit' I reply, sighing and sits down next to James.

'What are your parents gonna say about that?' James asks. I shrug my shoulders in response.

'Should I go after her?' Brad questions, looking at me.

'Thanks but I think she's better off alone for a couple of hours' I reply, giving him a smile. He gives me a smile back and sits back in his seat and stares at the floor.

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