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'Hey' I hear Bailey's voice quivering as I answer the phone.

'What do you want?' I ask.

'I'm here' She replies. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

'You're where?' I ask.

'I'm in a taxi, on the way to your house' She says.

'Why?' I ask. I'm so confused. We've not spoken in months and she's here without any of us knowing. Harley better not be with her.

'I'm outside' She says before hanging up. I sigh, walking to the front door and open. Woah, she does not look okay. I notice she got a black eye, bruised cheek, cuts on her face and arms.

'Where are your things?' I ask, giving her a hug.

'I just left in a rush, I couldn't stay there any longer' She starts to cry, hugging me tighter.

'What happened?' I question as we go to the kitchen to sit down.

'These past few months, Harley has been very violent. I know that he kissed Liv when he was here on holiday few months ago. I'm not mad anymore' She speaks quietly.

'Harley was drunk' I sigh.

'I know' She winces as she stands up too fast, to get a glass of water. I walk to the fridge and gives her a cold bottle of water.

'Every time I ask him where he's going at night, he would slap me. I just wanted to know. He would push me against a wall and suffocate me. He would punch me repeatedly. He would threaten to stab me' She breaks down in tears. I hug her again really tight. I hear the front door open and close.

'Aria. Woahhh' I hear Brad say as he walks into the kitchen.


'I'm so glad you're here, far away from that jerk' Tris gives Bailey a smile.

'I'm so sorry for everything' She apologises.

'Stop apologising. We all forgive you' James reassures her.

'Let's watch a movie' I suggest.

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