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'Mr James Mcvey is in critical condition. He won't be awake for we don't know how long, it's best if you go home and sleep it off' A nurse comes over to us as we wait outside James's room.

'No I'm staying' Brad demands. I hold his hand.

'Thanks but we're all staying' I smile at the nurse.

'Aria it's important for you to rest' Liv sighs.

'I know. When he wakes up, I'll go home' I say. I rest my head on Brad's shoulder and exhale deeply.

'I'll take you home after' Tristan offers. I thank him.

'I'm gonna go see Ross' I stand up and walks towards his room. Brad follows me.

'Hey Ross how are you feeling?' I enter the room. He gives me a thumbs up and a big smile.

'Pretty rough' He coughs. I give him a long hug.

'I'm so glad you're okay!' I smile.

'We all are' Brad gives him a fist bump, too "manly" to give him a hug.

'How's Chloe and James?' He asks as Brad and I sit on the hospital bed.

'Chloe is stable. James is in critical condition' Brad sighs. I rub his back trying to reassure him that James is gonna be fine.

'I'm so sorry' Ross apologises.

'Don't apologise. It's not your fault' Brad shakes his head.

'It is. I was the one who wanted to throw a party and I invited you guys' He frowns.

'You're allowed to have a party. I'm your cousin, of course you would invite me' I chuckle.

'I'm still so sorry' He sighs.


'Guys get over here quick!' Connor runs to the room and practically drags us out of the room and towards James's room.

'What are they doing?' Brad asks, shouting.

'He's in cardiac arrest!' Connor shouts.

'Please save him! He's my best friend!' Brad shouts at the nurses who are trying so hard to save him. I feel my heart drop into my stomach, beating so hard.

'Oh my god' Tris hyperventilates. I rush over to him, trying to reassure him. The tears are running down my cheeks but I try to be the strong one for all of us because they are all breaking down into tears.

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