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'I'm so tired' I whine, getting out of the plane along with Brad.

'I know. You've been saying it since 6am' Brad chuckles lightly, holding my hand with his spare hand as his other hand is holding his suitcase.

'Sorry' I apologise, looking at the ground as I walk into the LA airport.

'You can catch up when we get to the hotel' He suggests. I smile at him and nod my head before I yawn.


'The rooms are sick!' Liv squeals, running towards our double bed. I giggle, jumping on the bed.

'Ladies ladies' Brad laughs, shaking his head while standing in the doorframe.

'What are you doing here? Your room is opposite' I smirk, getting off the bed and walks towards him to give him a hug.

'Just wanted to see whose room is better. I would say mine because it has a better view' He teases, looking out my window. I look out the window and there's a dark blue sea glistening, reflected by a full moon above.

'No way, this is like the best view ever!' I exclaim.

'I know. My view is a shopping centre' He chuckles, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

'Oooh shopping!' Liv squeals, clapping her hands excitedly. Brad laughs, rolling his eyes at her.

'Don't roll your eyes at me' Liv says, throwing a pillow at him. I stand back, not getting involved.

'You're just gonna let her hit me?' He asks with a pouty sad face.

'You're gonna let him roll his eyes at me?' Liv says, copying Brad's facial expression.

'On my god guys' I laugh, quickly exiting my room and heads to James and Tristan's room which is next to mine.

'The view is amazing right?' I ask James who was standing outside on the balcony, staring out in space.

'You scared me there. Yeah it's amazing' He grins.

'Are you okay?' I ask, furrowing my eyebrows slightly as he doesn't seem like his normal self.

'Yeah I'm exhausted' He gives me a half smile before walking to his bed and starts unpacking.

'Okay. Love you' I say, walking out of the room.

'Love you too' I hear him say before I close the door. I walk back into my room, Liv chucks her suitcase onto our bed and starts to unpack.

'Went to Brad's room right, they have single beds. We're lucky we have this room' Liv chuckles.

'Yeah same with James and Tristan. We're the only ones with a double bed, it's weird but lucky' I laugh.

tired and blue /bws/ Where stories live. Discover now