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...'then we kissed on the train home!' Liv exclaims, clapping her hands excitedly. I squeal with excitement, jumping up and down with her.

'That's like the cutest date I've ever heard in my entire life' I coo, watching her blush. I'm so happy for her because she liked Connor since forever and it's been so long for her.

'Hey ladies' Tristan sings, entering in my room without knocking.

'What?' I harshly ask, without meaning to sound harsh. 'Sorry' I quickly apologise.

'Just wanted to see how you guys are' He smiles, sitting in between us with his arms wrapped around our shoulders. 

'We're fine. You're being weird. Why?' I question, scowling at him with my arms folded to my chest.

'I'm not' He gasps, pretending to be offended as he put his hand on his chest.

'Oh give over, you're up to something' Liv laughs.

'Okay fine. I just wanted to hear how your date went because Connor won't tell me' Tristan sighs, making me chuckle softly.

'Why won't he tell you?' I ask.

'Because I made him mad' He laughs, rolling his eyes dramatically.


'I missed you' Brad says as we leave my house.

'I missed you too' I smile as he grabs my hand and holds my hand while we walk down the street. I could feel him tightening his grip on my hand as we walk past a group of boys who were looking at me up and down.

'Ignore them' I whisper in his ear. He looks at me and grins, wrapping his arm around my neck as I wrap my arm around his hip.

'Did you hear about Connor and Liv?' I ask, as we sit down in the middle of the park.

'Yeah it's really sweet' He coos, grinning ear to ear.

'Yeah. I know Connor liked her for so long, I'm so happy he finally asked her out' I chuckle, picking bits of grass and throwing it at Brad.

'Yeah' He says, picking up daisies and puts them in my hair. 'Beautiful' He grins cheekily.

'Oh stop it you' I giggle, doing the same to his hair. 'Stunning' I compliment him.

'Oh stop it you' He imitates me. I scowl, throwing more bits of grasses at him.

'Where do you want to go to get food?' Brad asks.

'You're asking me?' I gasp. Normally he just chooses where to eat with everyone else, he never lets us choose.

'Yeah, it's our first date, and you're the lady' He winks.

'Hmm. I don't care where we're going, you choose' I reply.

'Ooh I know' He eagerly stands up, holding his hand out for me to grab and he pulls me up.

'Where are we going?' I ask him, tugging his sleeve.

'That fancy restaurant down the lake' He replies.

'Well that's a bit expensive Brad' I respond.

'Don't worry I'm paying for everything' He smiles.

'That's what I meant, I can't let you pay for me, I can pay for myself' I say. He looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

'Like I said it's our first date and you're the lady, I'm paying so you shut up' He states. I roll my eyes playfully. I notice a man staring at me as I walk along the lake with Brad and that got me nervous so I hold Brad's hand.

'Are you okay?' He asks, noticing that I grab his hand too quick.

'Yeah' I grin widely. 'I'm with you, that's all it matters' I add.


'Wow it's like 10 o'clock. Today's gone so quick' Brad sighs, looking at the time on his phone.

'It's been a really good day, thank you Brad' I smile, slightly shivering. He takes his black leather jacket off and wraps it around my shoulders.

'Aren't you gonna be cold?' I ask, feeling bad as it is pretty chilly out here.

'Not if I'm holding you in my arms' He replies as we sit down opposite the lake and he wraps his arms around me.

'Glad you had fun today' He whispers.

'Me too. Haven't laughed like that in ages' I lightly chuckle.

'You should laugh more, it's beautiful' He compliments. Is he ever gonna stop making me blush? He starts to lean in and I find myself leaning in too and suddenly our lips connect.

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