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'You annoy me so much' I say to Brad, rolling my eyes.

'I know but you love it' He smirks, holding my hand.

'Hmm not really' I shake my head. He gasps, letting go of my hand and pretend to be offended.

'I'm kidding. I love you' I say, watching his frown turn into a smile.

'I love you too' He kisses me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk down my street.


'It hurts' Liv groans, rolling around in my bed.

'Get some sleep' I say.

'Don't you think I've been trying?' She asks with attitude.

'Woah calm down there tiger' I reply, rolling my eyes.

'Go help yourself in the kitchen' I laugh, walking downstairs with her holding my hand.

'You're the best' She grins, running to the kitchen. I look in the living room and see Brad and Connor fast asleep on the sofa

'It's 4 in the morning Liv' Con chuckles, walking in the kitchen.

'She's hungry' I laugh.

'I'm sorry but it's the only thing making me feel better' She whines.

'What's wrong?' He asks, slightly worried.

'Time of month' She sighs.

'I'm gonna go back to bed' I yawn, stumbling across the hallway but I feel someone grab my wrist.

'You scared me' I say to Brad as he spins me around.

'What are you doing, it's 4' He asks.

'Liv's hungry and she didn't wanna go down on her own in the dark' I laugh.

'I'm scared, don't leave me alone in the dark' He pouts like a cute puppy.

'Who said I was gonna leave you?' I ask, giggling as I take his hand and walks into the living room.

'You. You said you were gonna go back to bed' He smirks.

'Well that was before I knew you was awake' I reply, laying in his arms on the sofa.

'Okay I'll let you off with that one' He chuckles.

'You know I would let you sleep on my bed but Liv's snappy today' I laugh.

'Olivia!' I hear Connor shout.

'Oh what now' I sigh, getting up and heads to the kitchen with Brad holding my hand.

'Mum's sleeping shut up guys' I roll my eyes.

'What you shouting for?' Brad asks Connor.

'She's just really doing my head in' Con laughs, shaking his head. Brad sniggers with laughter as Liv gives him a dirty glare.

'Liv, go back to bed' I exhale.

'Okay fine' She huffs, brushing past Connor and head upstairs.

'Someone's on her period' I joke. We all burst into laughter, as quiet as possible.

'Good one' Con grins cheekily.

'Let's go to sleep' Brad moans, pulling me to the living room.

'I want my bed though' I whine.

'So do I but that's not happening so you're staying with me' Brad smiles, resting his chin on my head as I rest my head on his chest.


'It's 2 o'clock' Liv runs downstairs, waking us all up. I rub my eyes violently as she open the curtains.

'What did you do that for?!' Brad yells.

'Funny' Liv laughs, sitting down between me and Brad.

'You're happier today' Connor says, smiling at her.

'Just had a good sleep' She replies, running to Con and hugs her.

'Good afternoon people' Tristan says, walking into the living room from the kitchen.

'Hey' Brad greets him.

'Hey' Tris replies quite bluntly.

'I'm gonna get a shower if that's okay' Brad says, slowly getting up.

'Yeah sure' I smile. We kiss before he walks upstairs.

'Dude. What was that?' Connor asks Tris.

'What was what?' He says, confused.

'Nothing' Con sighs, shaking his head.

'Aria, why don't you throw a party for your birthday' Tris says, changing the subject.

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