Small Gathering?

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Chapter 25

"Yes Krissy," I said as I answered my phone.

"Girl what you doing tonight?"'she asked me.

"Sleeping," I said.

"Mmm or nah," she said and laughed.

"What do you want girl? I'm at work," I said and laughed.

"Pushy much?" She said.

"Girl what do you want?"

"Uhhh we celebrating Nola's win tonight. It ain't gonna be too big but it will be lit," she said.

I licked my lips. I haven't seen Nola since her so call wife went savage on us. I was still a little piss about that. However that was like 2 weeks ago. It gave me enough time to think on my actions and I was a little out of line. Well Bianca said I was out of line.

"Wellllll?" Krissy said.

I sighed. I do want to see Nova again. I would like a friendship with her. She wasn't a bad person at all actually. Also it would give me insight on there relationship. I still think it's fake. They just seem to damn happy and in love.

"What time?" I asked her.

"Uhhh around 9. They just got back yesterday and they still sleep," she said.

"Okay. Can I bring people?" I asked her.

"We don't care," she said and laughed.

"Do y'all ever care?" I asked her.

"Nope. You can come after you get off work if you want," she said.

"Krissy I get off at 3," I said and laughed.

"And your point? 

"That's too early for me to start drinking," I said.

"You ain't got to drink. Just come whatever time you want too. But if you come early you get food," she said.

"Free food. Maybe," I said and laughed.

"Girl bye," she said and laughed before hanging up the phone.

I laughed and hung up my phone and texted my sister to see if she wants to go. I was gonna let Bianca sit this one out.

I knocked on the door of the house I seem to have been coming to a lot more often than I thought I would.

"Well. Hello Melody and other," Rico said and he smirked at us.

"Hey Rico," I said and smiled.

"Well come in a close the door behind you,"'he said as he walked off.

"Krissy that's not the note," I heard Robyn thick accent as she laughed.

"Get on my note then," Krissy said as we turned the corner.

"No cause it's wrong," Robyn said and laughed.

She was sitting on Nova's lap on the couch. Nova had her arms around her waist as she leaned into her body.

"Your wrong nigga," Krissy said and laughed.

I watched as Robyn leaned back and whispered something in Nova's ear causing her to roll her eyes.

"Hey Mel. Food in the back," Nyla said as my sister took off to the kitchen.

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