All I want is You

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Chapter 57

I looked at my fiancé . She was really pissed off. The tip of her ears were turning red. I notice when she is trying not to hurt me or say some fucked up shit they turn red. It wouldn't be my first time making her mad. But it was the first time I have done it with one question. I watched as she picked up a shirt walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers I stole from her.

"Nova," I said as my voice shook.

I was scared I didn't know what she was thinking. I didn't know what she was going to do. She quickly walked over to me and pulled me up by my wrist. I hated when she was mad at me. I started to break down. She was ignoring me. I watched out of blurred eyes as she roughly placed the shirt over my head. I put my arms through as she bent down.

"Up," she mumbled.

I lifted my foot up allowing her to put the boxers on my body. I placed my hands on her shoulders as she pulled them up over my ass quickly. My tears wouldn't stop. She is gonna leave me for sure. I watched as she took a step back and look at me.

"Nova I'm s--,"

"Shut up Robyn," she hissed at me.

Before I could say anything I felt her wrap her arms around my waist. She picked me up like I was nothing and placed me over her shoulder. She stopped to grab her hat and then began to walk out of our room.

"Robyn I really should beat your ass for that stupid ass question," she said.

I felt my heart drop.

"I don't know who the fuck you been talking to or who planted some bullshit like that in your head but you better not ever talk to them again," she said harshly.

I bit down on my bottom lip.

"Do you hear me?" She asked as she walked out the backdoor and headed to the beach.

I gasped as I felt her slap my ass hard as fuck making more tears slip from my eyes.

"Yes daddy," I said.

"And if I find out you still talking to that person I'm going to beat their ass twice since I can't hit you," she said as she sat me down and my feet happily meet the sand.

I felt her grab my face and gently pull my face up so she could look me dead in my soul. I mean she was staring right pass everything in me and straight to my soul.

"But if you ever say some dumb shit like that again. I will not be so fuckin nice next time,"
She said.

I felt every word she said. She was serious. I watched as she placed the hat on my head and smile at me. She pulled me into a very slow kiss. I deepened the kiss as she pulled me closer into her body. I melted into her as all my doubts went away.  I wrapped my legs around her waist as she picked  me up by my ass and slowly sat us down in the sand. She pulled back and licked her lips.

"I feel like you were getting tired of me. I'm always under you and I know you love your space but I can't help myself I love being under you. I feel empty without you around me," I told her as I looked down at my hands.

"Robyn if I was tired of you. I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have asked you marry me. I wouldn't have let you tat me up like you doing," she said.

I giggled and ran my hand over the lotus flower I talked her into getting.

"I love you Robyn. I don't mind you being in my bubble. Besides half the time you just layin on me watching TV like I'm a pillow," she said causing me to giggle.

She laughed and pecked my lips.

"Now can my future wife chill the fuck out so I can relax. Smoke this blunt ,fuck you, and possibly get some food?" She asked me.

I laughed and turned around in her lap. I sat between her legs and laid my head on her shoulder.

"This is what you want right?" She asked me.

"This is all I want," I said as I looked up at her as she looked down at me.

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