Chapter 1

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I walk through the hallway. Nobody notices me. They never do. That's how I like it. Nobody sees or hear me. I walk around as a ghost. It's weird to think that only one year ago they would all say hey to me, try to be my friend. Now, nobody would even be my partner in chemistry.

They pass by me not even looking at me. The only attention I got, was the occasional glare or weird look. 

I felt my stomach starting to ache and I quickly went to the toilet. Luckily, it was close. I ran into a stall and sat down. The pain was tremendous. I held my arms around my stomach and curled into a little ball. I cringed at the pain. My whole body was tense and all of my muscles were flexed. The tears in my eyes started to dribble down my face. I was still holding myself, trying to get the pain to settle. I began to see black dots. Knowing I was about to pass out, I sat down on the floor.

Just as I was about to pass out, the pain became smaller and smaller. I regained my sight and I stood up. I was still a little dizzy, but nothing I couldn't handle. I walked out to sinks, washed my face with the cool water, and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I almost gasped at the sight.

My skin was pale and I looked tired. I looked like an old lady. My brittle hair was up in a ponytail. The nail polish on my pinky was slightly chipping off showing the yellow dots on my nail. I had to fix that. I pulled out the nail polish bottle from my bag and applied the dark blue polish over my nail. Perfect.

I heard the warning bell and hurried to class. It was time for English. I always tried to do my best in class, but I could never really concentrate.

"Hello class, as you may have heard, the subject we're starting now is 'Beauty through the years'. You guys will be pairing up and you will get a decade to work on. Before you say anything, yes, I will decide your pairs," my teacher said and loud sighs were heard through the class.

I didn't want this subject. This was going to hurt me. It was triggering. I will feel like shit.

"The teams will be the following. Mr. Hansen and Ms. Lily.

I zoned out to what my teacher said and stared through the window. The sun was peeking through the branches of a tree. When I was in this particular class I always zoned out and looked through the windows. I couldn't help it.

I jumped when my teacher said my name.

"Ms. Parker and Mr. Miles." She went on with the pairs, but I zoned out again. I didn't want to work in a pair. I hated it. I want to do everything myself. Make sure everything was to my liking. At least Christopher Miles was known to be a nerd. That meant that he cared about his grades, so did I.

Everybody started moving and soon Christopher was sitting at my desk.

"Hey, so you can start doing some research on the ideal body and I do research about the ideal face, is that all right?" Christopher said.

"Huh?" was the only thing I could say.

"The assignment," he said and sighed, he sounded annoyed.

"Yes, um what decade did we get?"

Christopher sighed loudly again. "The sixties," he said and scrolled annoyed through his computer.

"Oh okay, thanks." I typed in 'model bodies, the sixties' and scrolled through the images. Stick thin women appeared on my screen. I looked down at my thighs. The jeans hang loosely. Last year they had been skinny jeans. Now, it looked more like loose boyfriend jeans. The women that were in charge of the home I lived in didn't give a lot of money for clothes, so I hadn't had a chance to buy new ones. These were the only pairs I had.

I hated my thighs. I hated everything about my body.

I could feel my stomach; it was going to growl in a little bit. I quickly grabbed my water bottle and downed the whole thing. It was one liter. I knew that you could fit one liter in your stomach before it would expand, so if I drank a whole liter I wouldn't hear my stomach growl and I wouldn't be bloated either. When I put the bottle down I felt like throwing up. I was close, but I just rode the wave of nausea I had. It would go away soon, I reassured myself.

"Are you okay?" Christopher asked me, he sounded like those snickering mean girls in the movies. I glanced at him, but right when we made eye contact I could feel myself about to throw up. I ran out of the classroom and into the nearest toilet. It was the men's room but that didn't matter to me. I just had to throw up. And everyone was in class so nobody was going to be there. I stumbled into a stall and threw up. Nothing came out beside the liter of, now slightly brown, water. Since I had nothing in my stomach it could only mix with the stomach acid.

I had thrown up three times when I finally felt better. I walked out the sinks and washed my face and mouth. I heard a noise coming from the stalls.

Shit. Was someone in here?

One of the doors flew open answering my internal question. A guy walked out. He looked weirdly at me.

"Why did you just throw up?" he bluntly asked. I took a step back to my surprise. How did he think it was any of his business?

"I was sick," I said. It felt weird talking to someone outside of class.

"You don't look sick anymore, or well, you do. But you don't look sick," he said empathizing the word sick. My mouth fell open at his rudeness. How could he say such a thing?

"I'm sorry?"

"I know you." I looked at his weird smile he had planted on his lips. It was there, but it wasn't.

"I know you too." He was one of the popular kids in school, so everyone knew him. He transferred about 10 months ago. Which meant he didn't know me back when I was in the popular kid's group.

"I have a reputation, already?" he said and touched his heart with his hand. He looked like a parody of a girl getting elected to prom queen.

"How do you know me?" I asked. His face and body came back to natural and he looked at me with a smirk.

"I've heard of you. Heard your story." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"My story?" I leaned on the sink. I felt a little nervous talking to him. Plus, I was still feeling a little dizzy.

"About you being Miss. Popular, but then one day you never talked to a soul in this school. About how you became weird, and you left all of your friends behind." Was that what people were saying?

"Oh, okay, I have to go now, I have class." I walked passed him and stepped out into the hallway. I started to walk towards my class, but he kept following me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked as I stopped in my tracks.

"I'm in your class, remember?" That's right, we had English together.

I ignored him and went to my seat.

"Why did you go?" Christopher asked, once again annoyed.

"I just had to go to the bathroom," I said and looked through the pictures on my computer again. Christopher mumbled something, but I didn't hear it.

After the class was over, I quickly packed my things together and ran out the door. I felt sick again and I needed air. I usually took the bus, but today I felt like walking home, plus it would burn extra calories.



Hey guys, I really hope you like my new book Emily's Escape! 

Updates are pretty fast, no longer than a week, max. 

Please let me know what you think of the first chapter! I would love to hear you guy's thoughts! 

Add it to your library if you're cool. Or if you just enjoy the book I guess... I don't know, I'm rambling... 


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