Chapter 9

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"Do you want dinner?" Carol asked.

I looked up from the book I was reading on the couch.

"What are we having?"

"Uhm, fish and salad," she said and wiped the counter. She was currently cleaning the entire house.

"Okay, but I don't like fish, though," I said and continued with my book.

"It's so nice when you're home. You're always out with your friends."

I laughed a fake laugh. "Yeah, sometimes it's nice just to be home and eat with you guys," I lied while a big smile was plastered on my lips. I hated to eat with them. I hated the idea that the house was my home. It was just a house, nothing else.

Maddie walked through the door and entered the living room. She looked bitchy today. She was itching around her nose piercing.

"Oh the stick is home," she said and looked directly in my eyes. She was such a bitch.

"Actually I have some homework to do," I said and stood up from the chair. She scoffed and I left the room. Before walking upstairs I heard Carol say. " I wish you two could just get along," Maddie didn't say anything.

I entered my room and got out my phone. I scrolled through my pictures. They were almost all of pretty thin girls. I wanted to look like that. I kept scrolling and soon I was completely in my own thoughts.

"Emily!" I heard Susanne yell from downstairs. I got up from my bed and walked down the stairs.

"Yeah, what?" I asked her.

"It's time for dinner." Here we go.I was going to do this. It's not like I haven't ever eaten with them before. I have, many times before. It just got harder every time.

I walked to the dining room and saw everyone sitting down. Maddie's eyes snapped up at me. She was wearing a smirk on her lips.

"Look who decided to join dinner. I wouldn't eat the sauce, though, it's quite fattening," Maddie said while her hand was cupping her mouth as if I was the only one who should hear it.

"Maddie, be nice," Carol said and I sat down.

I looked at the food. Fish, bread, sauce and a green salad. I was only going to eat the salad.

Susanne took a piece of bread letting everyone know we could dig in.

Maddie was fast to grab the largest piece of fish. Didn't she know how many calories there is in fat fish? I shook my head and reached for the salad bowl.

I took a fairly large amount and poured up some water in my glass.

I held the fork with lettuce up to my mouth. I could feel Maddie's eyes on my every move. I opened my mouth and took a bite of the salad. It was good. Not great, though.

I chewed and swallowed. I didn't utter a word the entire dinner. I didn't dare. I could say something stupid.

When everyone was finished I brought my now empty plate to the sink.

Luckily, it wasn't my day to do the dishes, so I just went directly to my room.

I jumped on my bed and got out my computer.

"Emily!" I heard Carol yell. What now?

"Yeah," I said as I ran down the stairs.

"You... Uhm you have a guest," Carol said as she stood in the doorway with the front door opened.

"Carter?" I asked out when I saw him standing in front of the house.

"Hey, Emily," he said and looked confused at Carol.

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