Chapter 3

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I had English again. I really wasn't looking forward to sitting with Christopher the ass and look at women skinnier than me.

The bell rung just as I sat down in my chair. Christopher wasn't there. Maybe he was sick or something? My teacher walked in and we all went quiet.

"Hello class, before you get to work I have made some changes in the teams. Ms. Parker, you will no longer work with Mr. Miles, you will be working with Mr. Woods. Mr. Miles will be working with Ms. Trent," she said and sat down at her desk. Everybody began working but I didn't know who my teammate was. The guy from yesterday walked towards me and sat down at my desk.

"Hey," he said.

"Do you know who this Woods guy is?" I asked and looked around. I saw Christopher sitting with Ashley Trent. Urgh, I hated her.

"You're looking right at him," he said and pointed towards himself. Oh.

"Oh, okay. Uhm will we be working on yours or my decade?"

"Mine, I have the fifties," his eyes were looking at me intensely.

"Uhm, okay." I didn't know what to say. I felt uncomfortable under his stares. I shifted in my seat and his eyes snapped away.

"Should I research the body and you can research the face. Or do you want to switch?" I asked him. He looked at me strangely.

"We will be researching together of course," he said as if it was obvious. Why? It would just take longer. But I didn't want to argue since my headache just kicked in.

"Fine," I sighed. He moved closer, I could feel his body heat radiating off him. I didn't move, though, I could use the heat since I was freezing my ass off.

We were looking through pictures of curvy women. They all looked so good. I wish I could pull that off. But I couldn't, I could only pull off skinny as hell. I wasn't there yet, but I would be at some time. Right know I was fat, sometimes I think I'm overweight. I once went to see a doctor about my concern, but he just laughed at me. All the way home I was thinking that he was probably laughing because I was right and the sight amused him. A big, fat whale. A funny sight indeed.

"They were hot," the guy said. He took out his phone and started texting someone.

"Please... Uhm..." I didn't know his name.

"Carter," he said amused.

"Right, please Carter, we need to get some work done," I said embarrassed I didn't know his name.

"All right Emily," he said and looked at the computer again. How did he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I ask bluntly. I just flew out of me.

He looked at me amused. "Asked around." He chuckled at my face. Why would he want to know my name? Shaking the question out of my head I heard my stomached growling. Shit. I shifted in my seat hoping it would mask the sound. It didn't. I had to drink the water. I grabbed my full water bottle and chucked it. I didn't stop for air I just drank and drank.

When I was done I felt Carter's eyes on me. I turned my head to the side and saw that he was, in fact, staring at me.

"Thirsty?" I just chuckled and nodded, hoping he bought it. He apparently did, since he looked to the computer once again. I too looked down, but nausea waved over me. Shit, I had to throw up. I tried to hold the water down but I couldn't. I ran out the classroom and to the nearest toilet. Same as yesterday I sprinted into a stall and threw all of the water up again. When I had emptied my whole stomach I stood up again.

I wiped my mouth with my hand and flushed the toilet. As I turned around I gasped at Carter standing behind me.

"Sick again?" he asked. I shrugged.

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