Chapter 41

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Lately I've been loving the classic, great love songs (hence the song attached)

2 weeks later 

Christmas was in a few days, and I was currently finishing up the final touches on Carter's present. We had agreed not to give each other anything, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to give him something.

As I tied the bow around the square packet, the present was finished.

Carter would be here in an hour or so. We had a date planned, and I was so excited. School had been... school. Ashley didn't leave me alone, but her comments were getting tolerable. I once thought the she couldn't have any more original comments left, but everyday she surprised me.

"Emily, do you want lunch?" Susanne yelled from downstairs.

"No, I'm going out with Carter later, we'll eat," I shouted in answer. She was quiet for a while before yelling back.

"Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure." She yelled back an okay. Susanne and Carol had been very... on top of me. They needed to know my every plan, even when it was with Carter. They also pressured me to eat at any moment they could. I knew they did it because they were worried, but still.

I got out my phone and went to Facebook. My feed was filled with the people I once talked to. Even though I saw it all, I felt excluded. I felt a like an outsider.

I went to Tiffany's profile. We became Facebook friends at the hospital and we even wrote to one another once in a while. Though I had been busy being with Carter and catching up on schoolwork. I decided to text her and went to my messages.

Emily: Hey Tif, any progress?

Tiffany: Hey girl! Well you know... I sort of had a fallback. I puked out my dinner last night. The doctors weren't pleased and had to force my fingers out of my mouth hahah. But you know.

Emily: Aw I'm sorry... I hope you're doing okay, though. Please get well and get out soon, I miss you!

Tiffany: I miss you, too. So much<3

I smiled and put my phone down. She was the only thing close to a friend that I had. It was great to talk to someone other than Carter for a change. It was also great to talk to a girl. I hadn't had a girl friend in such a long time. Over a year actually.

I read a novel we were currently reading in English and waited for time to pass.

When I finally heard the doorbell go off, I sprinted down the stairs. I slowly opened the door and my face lit up.


He was standing in dark blue jeans and a black V-neck shirt. He looked really good as always.

"Hey," he said slowly. He looked sort of uncomfortable.

"Hi, what's up?" I asked with scrunched up brows. He chuckled and looked down at the doorstop.

"You were just... undressing me with your eyes, sort of," he said with a laugh. I smiled and giggled.

"What?" I asked in jokingly surprised tone. He chuckled and pulled me into his arms by my wrists. I embraced his large frame and inhaled his mouthwatering scent. I could feel his muscles through his shirt and it made me want to drag him right upstairs to my bed, but that would probably not be such a good idea.

"You came to my door this time?" I said as we let go of each other.

"Yeah, I don't think we have to keep it a secret for any longer, since you know, everyone knows of us." I nodded and tugged at his shirt so he would follow me inside. I closed the door behind him.

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