Chapter 27

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Fyi, this is really really really short. I'm so sorry, but this is a filler chapter, hope you won't get disappointed. To brighten it up, I'm already starting on writing the next chapter!


The weekend had been amazing. Carter and I had spent it together. We went to the movies, the mall, and we also had a picnic at the park. After we had told each other that we loved one another, it was as if we had gotten closer and we got each other on a different level. We hadn't said it again, but I was glad, I wasn't really the type that said it all the time. I never said it after a phone call or at goodbyes. Even with my parents it wasn't something I said often. Not because it wasn't true, but because I felt it was a precious thing preserved for the special occasions. Not for the usual special occasions like Christmas, Valentines Day, or something like that. No, the real occasions, the moments were you really feel the love. That was just me.

"I'm picking you up for school."

"No, you don't have too. I can take the bus," I protested into the phone.

"Em, don't be stupid, I'm coming in like 10 minutes." I sighed loudly.

"Fine, but it's your own free will, I actually wished against it!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll be there soon, don't miss me too much." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll try," I said sarcastic. Carter laughed and we hung up.

Carter had made me eat the whole weekend, but he did it in a good way. He didn't make me feel guilty like Anderson did. He made me feel worthy. Loved.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and got ready for school. I brushed my hair and added a coat of mascara. I never really wore makeup, but recently I felt like it. It also made me look less tired, which was much needed. I wasn't tired, I just looked like it.

A car honked and I went outside quickly.

"Hey, you look nice," Carter said and kissed my lips quickly.

"Thanks, you too, I guess," I stated awkwardly and looked down. Do you ever say those things, and just think, why did I just say that? That was one of those moments.

"You don't have to reply on every compliment I give you, Em," he laughed, and started the car. The drive to school was quick, and we didn't talk much during it. I had realized Carter and I where the kind of couple that didn't need to speak every single second. Silence was sometimes good.

"Here we go. What do you have?" I asked, before we exited the car.

"History, you?"

"Math, lucky, right?" Carter hummed. "Well, we better go before we're late." I leaned in and kissed his lips. He held my cheek and stroked it lightly. I opened the car door and got out.

"I'll miss you!" Carter yelled.


"I love you!"

"Please stop." I said and slammed the door shut. I went inside the school and walked to my locker. Ashley, Nina and Lea were standing in front of it.

"Hello, Emily," Ashley said.

"Uhm, hi." She was quite pleasant this morning, and it was scaring me.

"So, rumor has it that you and Carter are official," she sounded bored. Meanwhile Nina was looking quite interested. Her eyes followed my actions closely.

"I don't know, I guess." I really didn't want to come clean to Ashley, besides, what if Carter didn't want people to know. I couldn't blame him.

"Are you or are you not dating Carter Woods?" Nina cried. Lea didn't say anything, she just stood still and watched.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

Nina scoffed and walked away. Ashley followed after her, and I was stuck alone with Lea, my ex-best friend, now turned bully. She gave me a look.

"So, you and Carter?" I shrugged awkwardly at the statement. "How did that happen?"

"Uhm, he was helping me with some stuff, and I just sort of happened, I guess." I felt like I needed to explain myself to her. She knew so much about me once, I felt like I owed it to her. 

"Your anorexia?"


"Oh, come on, Emily, everyone knows. Nobody knows why though, and I must say, I would've have thought Viviane and Charles would have done something by now." She still didn't know. She didn't deserve to know. We weren't friends anymore.

"Uhm, stuff have happened, Lea."

"Come on, Emy, you can tell me." Did she think I would want to confess all of my issues to her? And why was she calling me by my old nickname?

"I have to go now, I don't want to be late." I said and brushed past her. Thankfully, the hallways were full and I could disappear quickly. She called out my name, but I strode away from her quickly.


"Something weird happened before class," I said and slammed my locker shut. Carter raised an eyebrow and took my hand. "Well, Ashley, Lea and Nina came up to me. They asked me if I was dating you. I told them yes, I should've said yes, right?"

"Of course, why shouldn't you?"

"I don't know, maybe you didn't want people to know." I said awkwardly. We walked out of the school and sat down at a bench.

"That's a really stupid thought. I would tell everyone, kiss you in the hallway with everyone there, but I know you don't feel comfortable, so I don't." I smiled at Carter's words. He was really adorable sometimes.

"Lea and I used to be best friends, before my parents died, I stopped talking to her afterwards and then she turned all cold. It was so weird, she mentioned my parents as if they were still alive, and I remembered I never told her, I never told anybody."

"You told me." I gave him a look and he chuckled.

"You're different, you didn't know the old me."

"Where you really so different?" he put his arm around me and pulled me close.

"Well, I was 'the popular girl', I guess you could say. I went out every weekend, sometimes during the week." I looked at his face, trying to catch his thoughts. Nothing showed though.

"Doesn't sound like you."

"I know." I chuckled. "I don't think you would have liked me."

He turned to me and smiled. "I think I would."

"No, like, I really don't. I don't even know how we would've met, you know, if I weren't puking in a bathroom for chucking a liter of water on a empty stomach." I joked.

"Yeah, it's funny how things go, huh?" Carter laughed.

"I gotta go now, see you after school?" I asked and kissed his cheek. He nodded and squeezed my hand. I left and went to class.

Carter had an ability to make me happy. It probably seemed easy for most people, but Carter had the ability to make me happy in moments I thought I would never smile again. And now, here I was, having a boyfriend, in recovery, smiling, being happy to be alive. It was a long lost feeling, and I loved Carter for bringing me it back. 

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