Flash-forward nr. 5 (chapter 50) The Finale One

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"We have now landed in New York City. The time is a quarter to three am, and the weather is 18 degrease Fahrenheit. We hope you enjoyed the flight, and that we will see you again soon. If you're seeing New York for the first time, we hope you have an amazing time. And if you're now home, welcome home. May you all have a wonderful night," a stewardess said over the speaker. My stomach tightened by the thought of being home.

10 fucking weeks.

I hadn't seen her in two and a half months.

If this were any other case, I would've never left without her. But I had too. Business was business, and it showed no mercy for your home life or family.

When the engine sounds quieted and the seatbelt sign once again turned off I took a large breath.

I was home.

I quickly got up and grabbed my hand luggage form the top cabinet. Thankfully, I was in first class, so I wouldn't have to wait for all the fucking people.

When we were let out, I practically ran to the exit.

10 fucking weeks.

I was lucky and got my luggage from the tape fast. Something I was very happy about. My car was waiting and I told the chauffer were to. I also told him to keep it just under the speed limit and not to stop for yellow lights. I was going to see her.

My heart was squeezing, my breath was quick, my junk was already getting harder, and I was so fucking nervous.

I got out my phone and saw a message. I had been so busy getting my stuff that I hadn't noticed. It was from Emily.

Hey, babe. I'm so excited for you to come home! I miss you so much. I love you so much, you have no idea. But Carter, I've messed up. I know you'll be angry with me, but please try to understand... I love you very much, and I can't wait to see you later. Xx Em.

My stomach dropped from her written words. I contemplated on calling her, but then again it was late and she was probably sleeping. I decided against it and put the phone down.

The feeling of worry was nagging my insides. She messed up. What did that mean?

I had a thought in the back of mind. But no, it couldn't be. Could it?

Maybe she slept with someone else?

But plaguing my insides was the thought of something worse. But that couldn't be. It had been so long since she last got bad. It had been so long.

I tried not to worry. Maybe it was her being silly? Maybe she bought a puppy and knew I wouldn't approve. Maybe she stained our couch? Something silly like that.

I tried not to think too much about. But deep down, I knew something was off.

I had noticed it before I went away. But I convinced myself it wasn't like that. I convinced myself that I was making it up. It was all just my thoughts. Just my worries.

But now that I thought about, the signs had been there.

She had talked to herself once. Quietening her thoughts. That should've been a warning sign. But I guess I told myself not to see it.

Some nights before I went away, she purposely caught a fight with me over dinner. She had ended it with leaving, not having eaten anything yet. I should've seen it. I just didn't.

This was what she was taking about.

Her camera wasn't broken; she just didn't want me seeing her face on face time.

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