Chapter 10

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Max and the other guy stepped closer and I heard roars from the audience.

Max continuously hit the other guy fast on his hands that were in front of his head. The other guy ducked and moved to another place in the cage. Max followed him and kept on hitting him fast.

1.... 2... 3 small hits and then, a strong hit from his right hand and the other guy was on the floor.

The crowd went wild. Carter stood up with the rest of the crowd and pulled me up too.

"He won?" I was confused.

"Of course he won, can't you see the other guy on the floor?" Carter said and fist pumped the air.

Carter took my hand and pulled me to the cage entrance.

I looked down at our intertwined fingers. I couldn't help but smile.

"Max!" Carter said and pulled me towards him.

Max's head snapped towards us and smiled greatly.

"Told you so," he said and pointed to me. I laughed at that.

"Carter Woods, nice to see you! You brought a girl! A girl everyone, that's the first time I have ever seen you with a girl here," a man said as he came closer to Carter and me.

"But damn, do you feed her, though?" the man said and laid his eyes on me. I could feel Carter tense up.

"Dude," Max, warned. The man looked at Max and put his hands in a surrender position.

"Whatever, it's nice to see you, Carter," the man left with a smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry," Carter whispered in my ear and squeezed my hand.

"It's fine."

I was used to the comments. The looks.

Don't think you're special.

You get those comments because you're fat. Not because you're skinny.

They're just making fun of you. 

I felt a tear start to form. Why can't you ever just leave me alone?

"Should we leave now?" Max asked Carter. Carter nodded and we left to go to the locker room.

"I'm just going to take a quick shower. I'll meet you in the car? You're parked in the front right?" Max said and got a towel from his back.

"Yeah, I am. I swear Max, I don't want to wait for 20 fucking minutes," Carter warned. Max nodded and we left.

"So how did you like it?" Carter asked me when we left the building and stood in the parking lot. I shrugged.

"I don't really know. It's too violent for my taste. I don't like all of that violence," I said and looked to the ground. I felt boring compared to what I just saw.

"I know. I could feel you flinch all the time," Carter chuckled and we walked to his car.

"Yeah well," I started but I didn't really know what to say. When we reached the car, Carter walked to my side. He didn't unlock the car he just stood next to me.

"You know Emily, you can get help," he said.

"Carter," I really didn't want to talk about this right now.

"Please let me help you get some help,"

"Carter, I really don't want to talk about right now," he stepped in front of me now. I looked down to my shoes.

I jumped when I felt a hand under my chin.

He lifted my head and we stared into each other's eyes.

"Carter," I didn't know what to say. He kept his finger under my chin.

His head moved closer. Was this really happening?

His lips connected with mine. We kissed for a little, but then I realized what I was doing.

"No, Carter, I can't do this," I said and stepped away from him.

"Shit, I'm sorry," he said and kicked a rock on the ground.

"You need to get better first." 


"Uhm what? I'm not sick, I don't need to get better, I'm fine, everything's fine!" I spat at him. How dared he tell me I was sick?

"Emily, Jesus, you are sick! Look at you, you're so skinny, Emily, you're so sick you might actually die from it," he looked at me with a weird face. He looked both angry and worried.

"I'm not fucking sick, why does everyone tell me that?" he chuckled a cynical chuckle.

"Care to bet about that? We'll go to a doctor, a therapist, you'll tell them everything and I mean everything, and then we will let them decide," he lifted an eyebrow.

"Fine." I'm not sick, they would laugh at us, at me. 

His head snapped up at me. "Are you for real, we're doing it?" I shrugged.

"Sure, but they'll kick us out before we even get talking." I was mad at him right now.

"But I will be present at the meetings, I have to see you're telling the truth!" I nodded and he unlocked the car. I got in without a word.

He also got in and soon Max came out.

The entire drive home Carter had a strange expression.

After we had dropped off max he turned to me.

"I still can't believe it," I shrugged again.

"I don't see the big deal, I'm fine," I really didn't understand this. Sure, I had lost weight in the past year but it wasn't a big deal. Everyone looses weight at some point in his or her life.

"I'll make an appointment this Monday?" I nodded. I still didn't see the big deal.

Carter dropped me off and I thought about our bet. I didn't really know why I had agreed on this. It was silly.


Sorry this was really short:( What do think about the bet??

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