That night in Mexico (chapter 52)

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"Carter, we're leaving soon, are you ready?" Ashley asked as she popped her head into my room. She looked up and down my body, trying to look seductive.

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

"If you hadn't been at the gym you could've pre-gamed with the rest of us." I looked at her and gave her a single nod. I tried looking away from her gaze. I did not like her eyes on my body. I hadn't put on a shirt yet, and she was practically drooling.

"Well," I only answered. I didn't know what to say. I found it often that I didn't know what to say to her. She was so hard to talk to. In the beginning, I had tried since she was hot, but there wasn't much to her besides that.

"Ready to salsa?" she asked and stepped inside of my room. She twirled, making her dress move.

"Yes, just give me a minute, Ashley." She lifted her hands in a surrender position.

"Okay, don't shoot the messenger. Meet you downstairs?" I hated how she talked to me.

When she finally left, I put on a shirt. I was wearing a linen button down. It was so hot here that you couldn't wear anything else really.

I walked down the stairs of the small beach house to meet the others. Alec was the only one missing.

"Ready?" Josef asked me. I nodded and took a bear. It was hard being here without Max and Tyler. I don't even know why I said yes to the trip when I knew they weren't going to be here.

"Where's Alec?"

"He's still getting ready," Lea said. I took a gulp of my bear. I needed alcohol. Asap.

"So, Carter, you wanna get laid tonight?" Josef asked. I thought the others found it weird that I hadn't gotten with any of the girls. Did they not know they were really annoying?

"Maybe. If any girls catch my eye, I guess." Ashley scoffed slightly. Hadn't she just fucked Alec last night? Nina wasn't any better. I never really talked to her, since I didn't want to and she was way too shy to start a conversation, but I had once overheard her talk about me with Lea. I knew she didn't dare to talk about me with Ashley since she was so possessive over me. Not that she had any right to.

"Let's go," Alec said as he came downstairs. I rolled my eyes. He thought he was the king of everything.

"Carter, don't you want to ride in my cab?" Ashley asked as I headed towards the other cab.

"Nah, go ahead," I said and got inside the car. I could tell that made her furious.

The clubs here were so different from the ones at home. People didn't take themselves to seriously here, and the liquor was cheap, making everyone wasted.

I was just downing my tequila shot when Ashley sat down beside me. "Don't you wanna dance with me?" She placed her hand on my thigh. I didn't know why she thought she had the right to touch me like that. Nothing was going on between us.

"No, I'm good. I just wanna drink right now," I said and looked at the crowded dance floor. It wasn't really a dance floor, it was just a place with all the chairs pushed away. I laid my eyes on a beautiful girl.

"Urgh, these straps keep falling down," Ashley said and made a big deal about pulling up the straps of her low cut dress. I wasn't looking.

A waiter walked by, and I called out, "hey, can we get another bottle of tequila?"

"Sí, senor," he said and walked away.

A lot of shots later, and I was completely wasted. Ashley had been bugging me for a while, and the guys were too annoying to even deal with. We were currently all sitting at our table, drinking and talking. Josef was making out with Lea, and I guessed it was her time to hook up with him. Nina had just done that the other night. Though I don't think they actually had sex.

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