Chapter 36

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I think this is the part many have been waiting for... Sorry for the slow updates. I've been out of my mind lately. Lol that sounded so dramatic.

Four weeks later

"I'm what!" I squealed. I couldn't believe this. This was surreal.

"You're going home." The doctor smiled. "We truly think you've come a great way. You have shown huge progress! We are really proud of you, Emily," she said with a warm smile. I would've never guessed that her words could mean so much to me. This place had shown me great ways to not slip and fall again. And I made a good friend here. The doctors advised that we didn't keep in contact with anyone here, but Tiffany and I had agreed to do so anyways. This place had really been a great steppingstone for me on my way to recovery. I know that probably sounded really cheesy, but still. It was only the truth.

"Thank you so much, that truly means a lot to me. I can't wait to see my family," I said with almost teary eyes. They all smiled and I smiled back.

"That's great, sweetie. Now you won't actually go home until tonight, because we have to pack you all up first, and you probably want to say goodbye to a few people first. But you should be proud, Emily," another doctor said. I smiled and nodded at her. Actually, I hadn't stopped smiling since they told me. I couldn't wait to see Carter.

"Do you want to call your guardians?" I nodded and they hinted for me step outside. I quickly got out my phone and called Susanne. We had talked a few times while I was here and she really was growing on me.


"Yes, honey," she replied when she answered.

"I'm going home!" I squealed again.

"Really? That's great! When? We'll come pick you up!" I explained everything and we agreed for her to pick me up by 8 o'clock. I went to Carter's number, but I hesitated pressing it. Should I keep it as a surprise? No, I couldn't.

"Em? Is it you?" He said in a breathy voice. He sounded really out of breath.

"Yes, what are you doing, you sound out of breath." I don't know why, but a part of me thought, only for half a second, that he wasn't doing something, but someone.

"Boxing, what else?" he said with a chuckle. My stomach stood up from the place it had just fell and I felt stupid. Of course he was boxing. I had gotten worried of him finding someone else for some time now. I mean, he was a teenage boy and his girlfriend was locked inside a mental hospital. That wasn't really the best situation to be in. But he said I shouldn't worry about such a stupid thing, and that he would wait his whole life for me, if that were what it took. But it wouldn't, because I was being let out tonight!

"Oh yeah, of course. I have to tell you something. But first you have to promise me you won't squeal like a girl!" I think he sensed something in my voice because he suddenly got excited.

"Please tell me it is what I think it is," he said in a hopeful voice.

"I don't know, what do you think it is?" I was just teasing him now.

"Stop, Emily. Tell me." The game was quickly tiring him.

"I'm just asking if you're free tonight." The smile couldn't stop from spreading on my lips. He didn't say anything. I guess he was speechless.

"Are you joking?" he asked, sounding really serious.

"Nope. Babe, I'm going home, tonight!"

"What!? Are you serious! Oh, my god, I'm so happy now. I've missed you so much you don't even know."

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