Chapter 24

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"Ready?" Carter asked as he stuffed a towel in his duffle bag. I paused and looked up at him.


Carter and I had smoothly left my house in the noon, and we were now at his house almost ready to leave for his fight. I had been a little anxious the whole day. Knowing Carter would get hurt was disturbing me. I couldn't watch it, I just knew.

"We probably have to leave now, if we want to make it in time," Carter said and picked up his bag. I nodded and grabbed my phone and wallet. I was really nervous. Carter seemed a little off. I figured it was because he was getting in his right 'mindset'.

We left his house, and went to the very same parking lot Carter had brought me too almost three months ago. It was just as empty, scary and incredibly creepy. But my relationship with Carter had changed, I felt way safer with him now. I knew him better.

Carter left the car and started walking to the entrance. I got out quickly and ran to him. "Carter, wait up!" I said as I tried to keep up with him. He seemed so cold and focused. "Carter! You didn't lock your car." He didn't seem to notice me. I sighed. He was too focused right now. Though, he needed to be focused when he was fighting.

I grabbed his arm and yanked him. "Carter!" He looked to me, and as if he realized who where talking, his eyes softened.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Em. I'm just... focused," he said and sighed. I nodded and smiled at him. He smiled back. He looked to the car and pressed a button on his key, the car made a beep sound and it was locked. He looked to me again and leaned down and kissed my temple. I smiled at him, trying to make him calm. It didn't seem to work though. He seemed nervous.

"Are you nervous?" he made a scoffing sound.

"No. Just trying to get in the zone. I need to be focused, even though I know I'll win." I admired that about him. He didn't slack just because his opponent was estimated to lose. That was dedication. His love for this sport shone right through. Again.

"I know and I appreciate that, but I really don't want you to get hurt." He grabbed my hand and drew patterns over my knuckles with his thumb. The small action meant a lot. He was going to be fine.

He intertwined our fingers and we went to the doors. Two guards were standing in front of the doors. Carter nodded, but didn't say anything. The guards nodded back and let us in. When we walked down the long hall, I felt more and more uneasy. Even though he didn't think he would lose, he could still get hurt. I didn't like the thought one bit. We reached the second pair of guards and they lit up when they saw Carter.

"Carter Woods, good luck tonight," one of them said. The other one agreed and Carter said a short thank you. We went through the doors and into the crowded room with the bars and rings. Many people greeted us again and I began to feel overwhelmed. Today, people were even more supportive and excited than last time Carter was here. I spotted Max and Tyler sitting at a table with two other guys and some girls who were not wearing a lot of clothes. Carter saw them too and nodded at them. When they noticed they stood right up and came to us.

"Carter, Emily, hi," Max said. "You good?" he asked towards Carter. He nodded and his fists clutched. Max nodded in accept.

"Are you excited?" Tyler asked my way. I looked to him and smiled a small smile.

"I guess, do you know the guy Carter is going against?" Max and Tyler looked at each other and smirked.

"Uhm, yeah, we know him. He's... I have fought him before," Max said. They were acting weird. I wondered what they meant with the sheepish smiles and smirks. I looked to Carter for an explanation.

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