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Angel Falls High is a dead place, Ethan thought as he glanced away from his anatomy teacher to look through the window of the classroom. The subject was not a particularly dull one, but being who he was, Ethan had studied further and was now ahead of his class, so he was really bored now. His boredom wasn't because of this specific class, he had just been out of it the entire week. Nothing interesting was going on at school and Ethan hated it.

As the oldest of three children, when Ethan was not helping his parents take care of his two little sisters, he liked to spend his time with his friends, study and play football. His parents were mostly out working since his father was a computer engineer and his mother owned the Angel Falls Diner. While they weren't a very wealthy family, they did make enough to make ends meet. It was a really loving and close family which Ethan was thankful for. His parents had even managed to get him his first car when he turned sixteen a year and a half ago, so he liked to make them proud and be a good role model to his sisters which is why he studied so much.

He wasn't a nerd in the stereotypical sense, he actually played football for the school team and was really good at it. However, the team had already played their last game so they were on a break. The next series of football practices were going to start next semester, and without football practice, Angel Falls High didn't have much to offer. Ethan sighed as he turned back to his book and flipped a page. He tried to pay attention to what Mr. Collins, his biology teacher was talking about but that was starting to prove difficult for him when his eyes started closing on their own accord.

The bell for lunch rang shortly, making Ethan's shoulders slump as a sign of relief. Finally. He picked up his books and headed to his locker where his friends, Shane and Dave who were also part of the football team, were waiting for him. Although bullying was quite rare in their school, there were some guys on the football team who made it their whole personality, but unlike them, Ethan, Shane, and Dave didn't like to bully the other students. They actually liked to help them. Ethan being a straight-A student would have been one of the kids who got bullied if he wasn't on the team, so he preferred to help other people like him. He never understood why nerds got bullied but it wasn't something he was particularly interested in finding out so Ethan just did what he could and left it at that.

He quickly met up with his friends and they all headed to lunch. Ethan and his friends didn't sit by the rest of the team during lunch. This was because some of the cheerleaders always sat next to the football players and that particular group was quite annoying. They talked too loud, made offensive jokes, and were just all-around annoying. It didn't help that the other boys agreed with that particular group of girls. Of course, Ethan knew that not all of them behaved that way but he just couldn't stand to be around them.

One thing about Ethan though was that he was gay. No one else knew though, not even his best friends. He was afraid of being judged by the rest of the school, and possibly getting kicked out of the team. That would ruin him for sure. What he was more scared of was that his family would disown him if they ever found out about him being gay. He wanted to come out, he felt like he needed to, but getting bullied and losing his friends and family over his sexuality wasn't something Ethan was willing to risk. So coming out wasn't an option for him.

Shane and Dave had their girlfriends sit with them during lunch. Ethan could deal with Meghan and Tris. They seemed to be genuinely good people, unlike those cheerleaders. So they were the only female friends Ethan had in school. His friends had tried to set him up with some other girl, Liz, who was part of Meghan and Tris' trio. Ethan became friends with her for their sake, but when it got around to actually asking her out, he backed out. He knew that they would have had to kiss at some point since Liz kept asking to go out alone with him. Thinking about it, Ethan decided that he could deal with kissing her, but all that other stuff was a no-no. He didn't see himself having a girlfriend and lying to her about who he really was. He just didn't swing that way.

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