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So we wrote an impromptu quiz last Monday.. And I want to apologize to everyone. There was a question about deviant acts and it's examples. In our studies, an example of a deviant act is homosexuality... :(
I was supposed to give three and I only remembered two.. So the third one I wrote was homosexuality.

I'm really sorry for that but I had to. I actually do not believe it is a deviant act. I hope you can all forgive me.

Sorry that I'm late with this update. I don't have internet and it's quite expensive so please bear with me...


It was midnight. It was quiet, dark and cold. The crickets had long since stopped chirping and the only sound one could hear was the cool breeze of the night. Snow was coming, it wouldn't be long now but definitely. That was not Ethan's problem however, snow was long overdue. He was tired of the rain and the sun, a little cold hurt no one.

He casted a glance to his beloved, the boy with black hair who slept peacefully with his head on Ethan's chest, snuggling him. He made no sound as he slept and one would think him to be bed if not for the steady rise and fall of his chest. A smile graced the green eyed boy's face as he looked at his boyfriend fondly. How had he become so lucky to meet a lovely soul as Mitchell?

He rubbed circles on Mitchell's arm absentmindedly as he stared at his face. He was beautiful, Ethan noted, but that was a given. His lips were parted slightly and they looked even more sumptuous than they were earlier when he had been awake. He couldn't wait to feel them against his once morning came.

With a sigh, Ethan got up from bed to go to the bathroom, stopping in his steps when Mitchell stirred.

"Where are you going?" Mitchell whispered, his eyes still closed. He had only noticed Ethan's departure when he felt cold suddenly. That was what woke him.

Ethan walked back to the bed, placed a gentle kiss on Mitchell's forehead and whispered, "Just to the bathroom Blue, I'll be back before you know it," he said.

"Hurry," Mitchell groaned and covered himself fully with the sheets. It was cold and he needed Ethan's warmth.

"Of course," Ethan chuckled.

When he got back to the bed where Mitchell was patiently waiting, he glanced at the window briefly, taking in the empty front yard. It was a quick glance and Ethan saw nothing so he turned back to his lovely Blue and hurried to get back into bed.

He took one last look outside and his heart jumped into his stomach.

"Blue, there's a man standing outside," Ethan stated instantly, his eyes never leaving said man. Anyone would have thought of it as nothing, after all, it was Angel Falls. If anyone was walking around at night, they probably just wanted to meditate. No one really cared and there were no robbers, at least, not ones that would kill you.

But this man wasn't like any other man Ethan had seen in Angel Falls. No one walked around at night in a black trench coat and a black hat, staring into one window of one house as though there was something they wanted.

What was even strange was how the man commanded Ethan's attention just by how he stood there, watching him.

"Are you sure?" Mitchell asked, sitting up immediately, sounding panicked.

Ethan's eyes instantly left the man is he heard the worry in Mitchell's voice. "I didn't mean to frighten you," he stated gently as he took Mitchell's hands in his. He looked out the window again for confirmation but there was none.

How strange, the boy thought. He could have sworn he saw a man standing there, watching him.

He sighed and shrugged. "He's not there anymore. It's probably my mind playing tricks on me," he chuckled.

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