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"What do you mean two gay guys?" Meghan asked, shocked at Tris' disclosure.

"Exactly what it means," Tris shrugged.

"Wait, wait, hold up!" Shane stated, finally coming to the realization of what was happening. "You told them?" he asked Ethan, doubtful and a bit scared of what his friend had done.

Ethan shook his head as he stared back at Shane. "I didn't tell them," he answered. "They figured it out on their own," he shrugged.

"What?" he shouted, eyes wide with worry.

"Okay, everyone calm down!" Dave stated as he drove towards Mitchell's house.

Ethan took in a deep breath and held onto Shane's hand, discreetly of course, squeezing it gently to reassure Shane that he hadn't spilled the beans.

"No no, we can't calm down. I need to understand what's going on" Meghan insisted. "Ethan, are you really gay?" she questioned.

Ethan sighed, nodding. He really didn't want to get into it. All he wanted to do was get to Mitchell and find out why he wasn't in school today, but mostly because he wanted to find out if Mitchell was alright. After what Mitchell told him about his father and the way he had behaved with Max, Ethan really couldn't be bothered about what his friends were talking about.

Dave soon parked at Mitchell's house and Ethan got down. What he didn't expect was for his friends to follow him with their bickering.

"Okay, hold up. Where do you all think you're going?"

"To see him, what do you think?" Shane rolled his eyes, making Dave and Tris nod.

"Not me," Meghan stated. "I don't know how you're all okay with this. They're fucking gay."

"Meghan, what's so difficult to understand? He's just a guy who likes another guys ding dong. It's not rocket science," Tris announced, throwing her hands in the air.

"Of course it's not science. It doesn't make sense. It's wrong," She shouted at them. Walking up to Ethan, she placed her hands on his shoulders and looked very deeply into his eyes. "Are you really gay?"

"Yes Meghan, I am gay," he said.

"No, you can't be!"

Ethan was confused. He took Meghan's hand in his, taking them from his shoulder. "Calm down. It's not the end of the world okay?" he said with a light chuckle, hoping to ease her mind or at least, try to understand what she was going on about.

"No, I can't calm down. You're not supposed to be gay. It's not supposed to be this way," She said, shaking her head. "How are you even okay with this?" she turned to the Shane, shouting.

At that point, the door to Mitchell's house opened, revealing a very frightened boy in a black robe, looking confused at the commotion outside.

Ethan sighed. "I don't have time for this. Shane, take her home. I'll talk to you guys later."

Ethan rushed up Mitchell without waiting for his friends to leave. They did though, giving how Meghan was shouting and making everyone uncomfortable. However reluctantly they did, Ethan was grateful for it. Although, he was a bit annoyed that Shane hadn't broken up with Meghan yet.

"Hey," he greeted with a smile as soon as he got to Mitchell.

"Wh-what are y-you doing here?" Mitchell asked, looking from Ethan to his friends who were driving away?

"I came to see you. Is everything okay?" he asked, immediately worried. Mitchell didn't look well. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks red and his lips chapped. He looked like he had been crying and Ethan wanted to know why. He reached out to touch Mitchell's arm but the boy flinched back.

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