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Guess who comes to save the day?!

A/N before....
Many, many, many thanks to Ilovesangwoosofuckin  ...girl, I don't even know what to say... You're amazing, you know that? Thank you so much for the votes and comments. Your comments actually helped me in writing this chapter... ❤❤❤❤

Thanks to all of you too, for reading and voting and commenting. Yes, thanks to you the silent readers too. You guys have motivated me into writing this book. Under normal circumstances, we would still be at Chapter 15 or something by now but we've come so far and this book is nearing its end.

Oh, and I saw that Silent Cry has reached 9.8K reads!!!! OMG!!!

😭😭😭😭😭😭I love you guys.

Sorry for the long A/N


Mitchell let out a frustrated shout when his eyes opened for the third time that night. He had been having trouble sleeping, which was a given but since Ethan had been spending the night for a while, he had totally forgotten about his sleeping problem. It hadn't even been a full day since he told Ethan that he needed space and he already couldn't get a good night's rest.

It didn't help too that the weather was cold as hell.

Mitchell rolled over and looked at the time on his phone. It was two, just a couple of hours after midnight. He wondered why he woke up at such an odd hour. With a sigh, he picked up the phone and unlocked it, frowning when he saw a bunch of messages from Ethan.

What did he not understand about space?

Now Mitchell had watched movies before, and he obviously knew that when someone in a relationship asked their partner for space, it usually meant they were probably thinking about breaking up with the other. This was not the case with him however. All he needed was some time alone to think. It seemed Ethan thought it was the other reason though.

Although it made Mitchell a bit sad, he couldn't fight the smile that appeared on his face. Ethan's care for him seemed to have skyrocketed and it made Mitchell's stomach flutter. With a sigh, and a big smile on his face, Mitchell drifted off to sleep with Ethan in his thoughts.

School was not rosy, just like his night. It seemed that wherever Mitchell passed, Ethan was there. Whether it was all coincidental or intentional, Mitchell didn't know and it bothered him to no end. It really didn't help that he and Ethan were in the same classes and sitting together obviously ruined Mitchell's plans of ignoring Ethan.

"How was your night Blue?" Ethan asked the third time when Mitchell had ignored him in three classes. Anytime he tried to talk to him when the class ended, Mitchell rushed out of the class immediately.

Mitchell turned his head to stare out the window, pretending as though he had not heard him. This was getting way too ridiculous, he thought. Maybe he should just talk to him and forget what happened. Mitchell sighed when Ethan tapped him. He turned to look at him and Ethan pointed to a piece of paper.

Mitchell blushed upon seeing the paper and it reminded him of their earliest days when he was too shy and too scared to speak to anyone. It was Ethan that had helped him overcome this fear and was this how he was repaying him?

The smile that appeared on his face immediately faded at the thought. With a deep breath, he took the paper and opened it.

Why won't you talk to me? Ethan had asked in his perfect handwriting.

I just need some time to think about what happened. It's not a big deal. Mitchell wrote back.

But really, what was there to think about? He asked himself. They both had a difference of opinion and Mitchell was making it a big deal. He really wished he wasn't thinking too hard about it but he just couldn't accept the fact that Ethan thought Max was a really and person who deserved such pain. Of course, he had said some bad things, made a few mistakes but he didn't deserve the karma that followed. He really didn't. People like his father, maybe, but not Max. Yeah, his father deserved to die, Mitchell thought with a frown on his face.

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