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Not proofread...sorry for typos.


Ethan's hand tightened against Mitchell's as they left the theatre. He hoped to reassure the boy that they'd be okay. It was a lot to deal with, touching his boyfriend and having said boyfriend get a panic attack. He didn't know how to go about such an issue and he wondered if it would be like this for as long as they were together.

But Mitchell didn't react that way when they kisser so he wondered why it was so different.

When they passed by the snack bar, he noticed the dirty look the girl gave him making a blush coat his cheeks. Had she seen them?, he thought.

"What's wrong?" Mitchell asked.

"Nothing," he replied.

"Okay... Then, can you let go?" The blue eyed boy asked. "Just a bit. You're hurting me."

Ethan instantly released his hold on Mitchell but didn't let go completely and he did not want to lose the feel of Mitchell's hand in his.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"Don't worry. But what's the matter? You're tense."

Ethan sighed as they walked towards his car. It was already dark out.

"The girl at the counter looked at me weirdly," he stated.

"Oh god!" Mitchell gasped, "You don't think she saw us, do you?"

Ethan shrugged and he turned to look at the building again

"That's so embarrassing, imagine if she saw you going down on me," Mitchell laughed.

Ethan smiled at that, happy and relieved that Mitchell could make light of the situation. They were going to be fine after all.

He looked at the building one last time and proceeded to get into the car when he backtracked, making eye contact with the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen.

When they got to Mitchell's house, Ethan was sad to leave. He knew it would only be for the night as they would see each other in school the next day but he was missing him already.

"So..." Ethan started but Mitchell cut him off as he placed his lips on his, capturing Ethan in a deep and enticing kiss.

"Wow," Ethan moaned, his pupils dilating at the feeling Mitchell's lips gave him.

"I really loved being with you tonight," Mitchell whispered as he pulled away. "I hope we do it again soon," he said.

"I don't want to wait till soon though. I want to be with you now," Ethan said, leaning towards Mitchell did another kiss. "I don't want to leave you tonight," he whispered.

"Then don't," Mitchell replied against Ethan's lips. Their tongues met again in a fervent kiss. He put his arms behind Ethan's neck and pulled him against his body, hoping to enjoy every bit of him before he left.

"I can't," Ethan stated once they pulled away to catch their breaths. "Pick you up tomorrow?"

Mitchell nodded and bit his lips, hoping he didn't look so devastated at seeing Ethan go. He looked at his house and sighed.

"I'm kinda scared," he whispered, mostly to himself. Ever since he had lived there, he had never thought he would feel so alone like he did at that moment and that scared him.

"I'll protect you," Ethan chuckled as he took Mitchell's hands in his.

"Really? You're gonna beat up a burglar if one comes at me?" he teased, trying to rid himself off the bad thoughts.

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