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Mitchell's hands shook furiously. His sight became blurry as his eyes filled with tears and yet, he could clearly see the blood gushing out from his father's neck. It was gruesome. The incoherent noises his father made, made the situation much clearer to him. Had he done it? Had he rid the world of the monster that helped in his birth? Was it finally over?

Even in the darkness, he could still see his blood stained hands, making his eyes wet with tears yet again. At this moment, he became conscious of what he had done and with a terrified gasp, Mitchell threw the knife away and backed off from the dying man. His entire body trembled as he whispered "No" over and over again.

Daniel McGriffith rushed to pull Mitchell away lest the boy hurt himself but Ethan got there before him and got a hold of Mitchell, kneeling behind the blue eyed boy. He held onto him, hugging him as tears run down his cheeks.

"Mitchell, we have to go," said Ethan. To Mitchell, his voice seemed like a thousand miles away, merely a whisper. He was more focused on the dying man in front of him who kept choking.

For a moment, Mitchell's childhood flashed before his eyes. He remembered a time when he was free and alive, a time when his father was sweet and loving, a time when the monster on the ground before him was nothing but a mere nightmare, never to occur in reality in that moment, Mitchell pushed back the evil deeds that had been done to him and revived the loving memory of his father.

"No," He choked out. His father was dying and it was his fault. He tore away from Ethan's hold and crawled quickly to his father, pressing his hands on the neck wound in a futile attempt to save him as he cried, "Dad, please...don't die." He pressed on frantically but it seemed that did not help to stop the bleeding of ease the pain as his father's eyes opened and shut numerous times.

"Mitchell," the man choked with a dying breath and as Mitchell saw life leave his father's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a damper in his spirit at the thought of losing the man who once loved him. And even though it was foolish to do so, Mitchell cried out in pain, weeping at the loss of his father, because in the end, the man still was his father.

It was all over now, the cause of his pain and suffering was gone but Mitchell couldn't find it in himself to feel elated about it. He did not know what this feeling was. After his tears stopped flowing, he allowed himself to be pulled back from the body and simply watched on as McGriffith and the others did what they needed to do. Ethan's arms were around his shoulders as they sat on the ground, offering him comfort and yet, Mitchell could not feel the warmth that he had always craved. He felt nothing. He felt numb.

That day, the group of friends had witnessed something they never dreamt of ever seeing. A gruesome death happened only ten feet away from them, a boy shouted in pain as he cried for his father, the same man who had inflicted nothing but pain and suffering on said boy.

Ethan appeared to be confused as he held onto Mitchell. The turn of events had shocked him to his core. Words simply could not describe how he felt. His own pain was long since forgotten after seeing Mitchell's fury turn to sorrow and then to something else.

As he stared at the boy in his arms who gazed ahead, he saw the light in his blue eyes dum, as though there was no hope left in them. Ethan did not understand, and perhaps he never would. All he could do was hold onto his Blue and provide the comfort they both needed.

The ambulance and two police officers arrived soon and after the officers discussed the happenings of the evening with McGriffith and his squad, they took the body while the paramedics checked the group of friends for any injuries. They first went to Maxwell and helped bandaged his arm as he had been bleeding profusely and saw to Ethan next.

"Come on Blue," he whispered to the boy in his arms who only looked up at him blankly. He stood up and helped Mitchell up as well so they could go to the ambulance together only to have Mitchell stumble forward, clutched his side and wincing in pain.

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