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Mitchell glanced at Ethan who was looking at him with wide eyes, not really believing he had done that. He surprised not only himself, but apparently Ethan as well. It was a big deal for him, finally giving in and speaking to the boy. But Ethan was still staring, which made him feel awkward.

Did he not like his voice? Why was he staring at him as if he had made the biggest mistake of his life? Mitchell did not understand. Whatever the reason, Ethan however looked a bit too eager for Mitchell to continue.

It was odd, how the boy was looking at him. A few seconds ago, he felt as though speaking up was wrong but now, he wanted to continue. And maybe do it often. Stealing a glance at Ethan, who for the love of God, hadn't stopped smiling, Mitchell nodded.

He gave himself a small pep talk and willed himself to continue.

"Huh... Uh," he almost squeaked. Perhaps the sound he made was unnatural but this was all new to him as he hasn't spoken in about eight to ten years. You couldn't blame him. And luckily, he was willing to try, as he had said to himself; he was determined to make this work.

"Bl-blue house. B-by the b-big oak t-tr-tree," he said, in a whisper and exhaled in relief. Then he looked out the window, thinking he was finally done. He had finally done it. Right. He couldn't help the small smile that threatened to show on his face. His cheeks were also heating up, all in all, Mitchell was really excited.

Anyway, as Mitchell kept thinking and smiling to himself, Ethan on the other hand was still waiting for the boy to continue. He didn't want to rush him. He was making progress. Ethan was happy, excited. He was so glad that Mitchell trusted him enough to speak to him. Initially he thought it would take a while, since it took really long to trust some people.

He was so happy that Mitchell talked to him. But, although he did give him his address, it wasn't a full one. There were a lot of oak trees in Angel Falls. A lot of them. And most of the houses were blue too, so he didn't know which one in particular of course.

Although he didn't want to rush the boy, they had been sitting in the car for about five minutes. He needed the right address as fast as possible because looking out, he could see dark clouds forming up. It was threatening to rain and he couldn't have Mitchell in the rain again.

When they got to Mitchell's house, Ethan was awed. The grass was neatly cut, the hedges were trimmed perfectly although there were no flowers. What actually had him looking at the place in surprise was that the house was the perfect shade of blue. Mitchell's blue.

He followed the limping boy quietly to the porch, smiling at the way Mitchell acted as if his leg was hit by a car. It was a tiny sore but he knew it was quite painful since stubbing your toe was like the most painful experience ever.

Mitchell unlocked the door and letting in a deep breath, he invited Ethan in. It was then that the rain decided to show it's magnificent glory by pouring out from the sky. The sky was dark and lightening struck.

He rushed in right after Ethan and locked the door. Ethan was standing awkwardly in the living room whiles Mitchell was being his awkward self by the door.

This situation reminded them both of the time they spent in Ethan's room. Ethan was excited and Mitchell, eh... Not so much.

He hated rain. Not the water, but the storm that comes with it. He hated lightening and the sound of thunder. He always wanted to crawl under a bed or hide in a closet whenever there was a storm.

However, during the night he spent with Ethan, he wasn't scared at all and that was because Ethan held him as though his life depended on it.

The thought actually made him smile a bit and when he made eye contact with Ethan he blushed a deep red.

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