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Liz was being a bitch as usual after school and Ethan was getting annoyed. She just couldn't accept the fact that he did not want to go out with her. When she came to him at the parking lot after school, she asked if he wanted to go to the movies that night and when he said he had a sleepover to go to, she got angry with him, much to Ethan's confusion.

Was she not just hanging out with Max earlier? He asked himself.

"You're really choosing a sleepover over me?" Liz questioned angrily, her brows furrowing.

Ethan rolled his eyes with a scoff. "Liz, we can go to the movies some other time. Sorry."

She glared at him and flipped him her middle finger before walking off. Ethan was up to his limit with her shenanigans. It wasn't as though they were going out and even if they were, he knew he would still choose his friends if it came down to it. They weren't in a relationship, or close to it for that matter and Liz needed to get her shit together.

Annoyed, Ethan didn't wait any moment longer and immediately drove home after telling his friends he'd see them later. He tried to calm himself and strangely, images of the blue eyed boy from before came to mind, instantly calming him down. Ethan thought it was weird to think about those blue eyes, and for some reason, his mind decided to name the boy Blue, which made Ethan laugh.

He felt a need to get closer to him, to understand why those beautiful eyes of his looked so dull, as if all the light in them had been taken away. He didn't understand why, but it didn't bother him.

He got home in no time and parked his car in the bark yard. He always parked his car in the bark yard where his mother's was also parked. His dad was the only one who parked his on the front pavement. Their house was by a route so parking at the front of the house could block the road.

He got down and entered through the back door. Both of his parents were at work which Ethan didn't really mind but they had been working overtime quite recently which made him feel bad. He had to make sure to help his mom at the Diner sometime, he decided.

He missed them sometimes, but that was only on occasions. His parents made time for them, him and his siblings. And speaking of, the twins were sitting in the living room watching Phineas and Ferb. Ethan loved that show. It was strange to like kids' shows for some people his age but Ethan didn't care. Shows like that helped him relax and forget about reality for a minute.

He joined the twins on the couch and they quickly snuggled up to him. He ruffled their hair with both hands letting out a slight chuckle.

"How was school today?" He asked.

"Well, let me tell ya!" Sam said.

"No, let me!" Sabrina argued.

Samantha and Sabrina were the names of Ethan's twin sisters, and he was about ten years older than them. They were really amusing to Ethan anytime they bickered about who gets what and who says what. It was one of the many things he loved about them. He laughed to himself as they kept arguing about who got to talk first.

"Okay, okay," Ethan said trying to resolve their silly argument. "Sabi, you started yesterday so why don't you let Sam start," he reasoned.

Sabi huffed, crossing her arms and pouting.

"Yay!!" Sam cheered. "So, today this boy called Adam sat with us during lunch and I didn't want him to because he's so handsome! And I can't handle him!" She said throwing her hands up in the air and making Ethan and Sabi burst into laughter.

Sabi giggled and said "But he's not that cute. Because today, after lunch, he run to the bathroom but the poo was faster than him," she laughed and Sam blushed like a tomato.

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