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Mitchell left the house in a hurry. He still hadn't gotten a job since he moved to Angel falls two weeks ago. The reason why he came to the town always brought an uneasy feeling to his heart. To say the least, he was scared of being found. Sweat formed on his forehead and palms as the thought of the last eight years of his life came to mind.

He shook his head, his midnight black hair falling into his eyes as he did so. He breathed in deeply and let it out as he rubbed his hands together. He couldn't allow himself to think back on that. Not when he had finally got out.

He had a mission today and that was to get a job and then quickly go to school, which he had been dreading since moving to Angel Falls. Mitchell had decided to keep school on the back burner of his mind for the meantime because he knew it couldn't be avoided. A job however was the most important thing right now.

While he was set for the next two years from the help he got from his godfather and guardian, being at home alone in the one-bedroom house the man had bought for him wasn't a good idea. Mitchell knew himself. He was aware that being alone in that house was definitely going to break him. Two bedrooms for one 18-year-old boy was a little too much, he thought.

Though he didn't necessarily need the money, he thought that by getting a job, he'd be able to occupy himself physically and give his mind breathing space to not overthink. At least that's what the psychologist advised the last time he saw her before his godfather came for him.

Mitchell bit his lip as he thought about that day. He just wished things had been done sooner. He wouldn't have been so broken now.

Letting out a sigh, he played with the ends of the little knife in his pocket as he came closer to the grocery store in the middle of town. It had taken him about thirty minutes of walking. While that was a bad idea given how anxious Mitchell was, it had also helped to relax him slightly.

He walked into the grocery shop. At first, he didn't know how he was going to ask for the manager, and most of all, ask for a job. One thing about Mitchell was that he didn't like to talk. Doing so for most of his life always landed him in trouble and he was worried that it could be the same here in this new town. The looks he got from the old woman in the first aisle and the young girl next to her only proved further that he was right to be worried.

People had always thought he was weird. Mitchell used to be a fun-loving boy until his mom died and his dad became the evil monster that he was. His heart hammered in his chest as the first year of his grief came to mind. It had changed him, drastically. Not only in his mind and heart, but outwardly as well.

After the funeral, Mitchell only preferred to wear black. In a way, it made him feel close to his mom. Even though the mourning period was over, Mitchell still mourned in his heart for a loss that he could never recover from. For eight years, Mitchell had swapped his entire wardrobe from the bright colored clothing his mother once chose for him to only black pieces. He even went as far as dyeing his hair completely black to match. Sometimes he even forgot what his real hair looked like.

Other than that, Mitchell also got his first piercing on the corner of his lip at thirteen when he was still allowed to go out. Yeah, it did get him in trouble but at least, it was something he did for himself and once he was free, the black haired boy went ahead to get another on the lip, one on his nose, and two in both ears.  He just preferred black. He was aware that people thought he was being rebellious but he didn't care. Especially not after what he had been through. He deserved to be happy... sometimes, he thought.

After talking himself out of walking out and forgetting the job altogether, Mitchell sighed and walked over to the counter. All he thought about was how he was going to speak to the cashier but he sighed in relief when he saw the sign 'manager' plastered to a door right after the counter.

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