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Dedicated to djbearbear101 thanks so much for reading this story.

"Try me," Ethan said.

Shane sighed. It was so like Ethan to be concerned about his friends. Even when said friend wanted to just forget about everything and go home, Ethan wasn't going to let it rest. Shane knew this and he also knew that it was better sooner than later that he told Ethan what was going on. Should Ethan find out from someone else, he would feel betrayed and as his best friend, he didn't want to let him down.

"Shane," Ethan called.

"Yeah?" Shane answered.

"You spaced out,"

"Sorry," Shane sighed and then rubbed his temples. "I was just thinking about this whole thing," he said. He wanted Ethan to know what was going on, of course. How he was going to tell him was the problem. He looked out the window and realized that Ethan had been driving slowly on purpose as they were only a few feet away from school still.

He casted a glare at Ethan who smiled sheepishly with a shrug.

"Can you drive any faster?"

Ethan laughed. "No way we're getting home now. This is our quality time together, now speak," he ordered with a chuckle.

Shane sighed, blowing his hair out of his eyes. "I guess I've been weird lately," he said.

"No shit," Ethan smiled, looking straight ahead.

Shane gave a small smile as well, punching Ethan playfully making Ethan raise his hand, as if to ask why. "Cut it out," he said with a sigh. This was difficult for Shane. He knew Ethan meant well, but coming out to say something like this wasn't always what one hoped for. "It's just - just that I uh - I've met someone."

Ethan's eyes widened in shock. "Really?"

"Yeah," Shane nodded.

"Which is why you want to break up with Meghan, huh?" he chuckled making Shane blush. "So who is it? Do I know her?" There were so many questions he wanted to ask but this was Shane's moment and he wanted to give Shane all the time in the world to tell him.

"Hmm, I'm not sure if you do," he said thoughtfully, scratching the back of his neck. "Guess," he smirked, knowing it would take Ethan a while.

"Come on," Ethan argued. "You know I'm bad at guesses."

"I guess I can give you a hint."

Ethan nodded, looking at Shane with raised eyebrows.

"It's not a girl," he said.

Ethan stopped the car abruptly, turning to look at Shane with wide eyes. Mostly because he was shocked at the news, and he didn't think it would be so relatable.

"Wow," he said. "Okay, cool. That's uh, great, I guess," he said, trying to come out of his shock.

"Wow? Wow?" Shane shouted. "That's all you've got to say?" he scoffed.

"Hey you can't blame me, alright? I just didn't expect something like this, alright?" Ethan explained, starting the drive again.

"Like what? That I'd be gay?" Shane asked, a mix of anger and sadness in his voice. Had he thought Ethan would react this way, he wouldn't have even mentioned it.

"Yeah, I guess," Ethan whispered, still surprised.

"I didn't take you for a homophobe," Shane muttered angrily, looking out the window.

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