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Warning: sexual abuse ahead. Sorry, but it's essential for the story.

Ethan had a smile on his face all day, not even the thought of cleaning the boy's locker room was going to dampen his mood. His life had suddenly changed for the better, in a way. His parents were cool even though he was still grounded, his best friend was now comfortable with himself, as was he and he was finally getting somewhere with Mitchell. He never thought this day would come.

He wasn't able to go to lunch because Mr. Swann thought it would be nice for them, Max and Ethan, to clean the School's storage room that hadn't been checked out for about five years. Ethan had no choice but to do it. He claimed that it was better to do it fast, so he could finish early and meet up with Mitchell. He just hoped that Mitchell would forgive him for not meeting up like he had promised.

It was close to closing time that the two boys were asked to go back to cleaning the boy's locker room by a grinning Mr. Swann. Ethan gave him the death glare all the way there since the work they had done in the storage room was for naught.

"Can you imagine that man?" He whined.

Max just shrugged and he continued with his work as if Ethan was not talking to him, making Ethan shake his head. Max was a lost case, Ethan decided. He never even knew what went through that boy's head.

"Hey, Ethan?"

"Yeah?" he asked.

"I... I did what you said," Max told him, scratching the back of his neck.

Ethan just nodded. "Okay...?"

"And, uh, I meant it.. I mean.. The apology," he explained as he walked towards Ethan.

"That's great Max. I'm sure Blu.. I'm sure Mitchell appreciated it," he answered, "Thank you" he smiled at the boy and turned back to scrubbing the sink.

What he didn't expect was for Max to turn him around and plant a firm kiss on his lips. Ethan froze initially. His first thought was, what is happening? And then he thought, what the hell?

Ethan didn't know what to do as this had never happened to him before. The sound of a the door slamming brought him to his senses and he immediately pushed the taller boy away. "What the hell man!?" he shouted at the boy. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I... I thought... I thought that you..."

"What? You thought that just because I'm gay I wanted to kiss you? I don't like you Max, really. I don't want to kiss you. Oh my god!" Ethan screamed, frustrated with himself that he had let that happen.

"Ethan! Ethan!" Shane barged into the locker room with Dave and a taller boy with short brown hair trailing behind him. "Mitchell just ran out of school!"

Ethan froze again, his gaze moving from Shane to Max. The only question in his head being whether Mitchell had witnessed what had happened. With that, he run out of the school, catching Dave's car keys in his hands. He wasn't even bothered when he saw the number of police cars on the parking lot, dragging a screaming Mrs. Twist away.

"Hey, hey kid," a police officer stopped him. "You know a Max, Maxwell O'Brien?"

"Yeah, tell that asshole to leave me alone," he shouted and drove off.


Mitchell wasn't sure how it happened. He didn't know how his legs were able to carry him from school, he didn't know the amount of tears he had shed on his way home but he sure as hell knew what he saw. Ethan kissed someone else and it wasn't him.

The thought alone made him miserable, downright dejected. He tried to understand why Ethan would kiss someone else. Maybe he didn't like him as much he had thought. After all, Mitchell was skinny and he came with a lot of baggage whereas Max was muscular, tall, handsome and what everyone sought for in a boy. Mitchell knew he could never compare to the boy but why did it hurt so much.

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