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A new wave of hope hit Mitchell once him and Max were a few meters away from his house. If all hope had been lost for him hours ago, he was certainly seeing a light at the end of the tunnel now. He was going to see Ethan again, and he was going to do whatever he could, to not cower and run away like the coward he was. Max offering his help had lifted his spirits even more and there wasn't going to be a fourth time that he run away from Ethan.

Now, the only thing he feared was facing his father. It didn't help that he had imagined the worst happening. What if his father had taken Ethan? What if he did to Ethan the same things he had done to him? What if he killed him?

This thought made Mitchell stop in his tracks as tears filled his eyes. He couldn't go there, no. But he couldn't help it. What if? His father was not a saint and that man could do anything just to get his hands on him. Wiping his eyes, he looked up to see Max staring at him worriedly. When Max opened his mouth to ask what the problem was, Mitchell just shook his head.

"Let... Lets just go," he said and walked hurriedly to his house.

He was a bit shocked to see a white sports car parked in front of the house, with the trunk opened. Who was that? He wondered as he walked towards it. It was only when he was close to it that he noticed Ethan's car. The boy breathed a sigh of relief, mouthing "Thank God," and rushed towards it.

"Hey... hey," a tall skinny boy with short brown haired said, getting up from the trunk of the sports car where he had been seated. Mitchell took in the boy's features but couldn't quite remember him. No, he didn't know him at all, he decided. He didn't remember the boy's hazel eyes or the freckles on his cheeks, or even his deep voice.

"Who... who are you?" He asked, gulping. Was this one of his father's lackeys?

"I'm Jeremy. Are you Mitchell?" Jeremy asked as he glanced at Mitchell and then Max, who came up behind Mitchell.

Mitchell nodded. "Is... um... is Ethan here?" He finally asked after a few minutes of silence. He wasn't sure what to expect. After seeing how busted the front of his house looked, when it wasn't that way before, Mitchell's hope was dwindling.

"No," Jeremy replied. "I'll take you to him."

"We are actually on our way there," said Max, a hint of annoyance in his tone that made Jeremy frown. He looked at Mitchell but the boy seemed to be too down to even notice. Jeremy wanted to ask a few more questions, about Max especially but he realized they did not have time. The girls had given the police the address, from what Shane had texted earlier, and a man from the FBI was also on his way. All he had to do was take Mitchell to Ethan and help Shane, should they have to fight the asshole that kidnapped their friend. Because yes, even though Jeremy had just met them, he considered all of Shane's friends as his friends too.


Carrying the muscled boy to the truck waiting outback when his body was limp was quite easy, if Anderson was being honest. Of course the boy was a fighter but it seemed he had not come in contact with the substance before. It was no wonder he went unconscious in such a such a short time. All the same, the man had some difficulty stuffing him in the back seat of his car, maybe if he had spent more time training and planning, it would have been swifter. Perhaps, everything would have gone smoothly and he wouldn't have had to deal with this one and his unruly friends.

Once he got him into the car, he texted the little lovesick boy he had met previously to meet him at the spot. He had met that kid a few weeks ago and it just so happened that he wanted revenge on the cutie who was now passed out in the back of Anderson's car. Anderson didn't buy it. If anything, the boy was in love with Ethan. Why he would sit there and let someone take the person he loved away from him, the man had no idea, but at least, it meant that he could get this one out of the way and have Mitchell all to himself.

Thinking about Mitchell make his heart skip a beat. He had missed him so much. No one would understand how much he loved the boy. He was all he had. He was all he needed. He belonged to him. After Rosie died, James' world went to shit. He tried so hard to get over it and be strong for both him and his boy, but no matter what he did, the death of a loved one wasn't that easy to get over. The only person who kept him sane was Mitchell. He was his whole world. Had that deadbeat assfuck of a neighbor not stuck his nose into their business, Mitchell will still be his. Not that he wasn't already, but the boy wouldn't have been so far away from him for almost two years. James needed him now more than ever. They were supposed to go far away to a cabin in the woods, where they'd live happily, with no prying eyes.

At least now, he was going to have his boy back. It didn't matter if he had to kill the little blonde to get to Mitchell, or maybe he would keep him too. Maybe, he would keep all three of them. They all looked so delicious. He would have to think it over once Mitchell got to the spot. He really couldn't wait to have his boy in his arms.


It felt so hot... It felt like his entire body was on fire. The temperature in the room wasn't decreasing, doing rather the opposite. Sweat slowly rolled down his face, making him very irritated and needing to rub his eyes. The smell of smoke entering his nostrils didn't do much to help but it gave him a sense of why he felt so hot.

His shoulders hurt so much, as though someone had been pulling his arms for a long time. His sides ached even worse. Why? He had no idea. He tried to rub his sides but his arms wouldn't even come down. They were bound together, Ethan realized. He guessed his hands were tied with rope because of how rough the material felt. And he also knew he was being suspended because his legs wouldn't hit the ground.

This was when Ethan realized the gravity of his situation. It felt like a nightmare, except that he was awake. He didn't know where he was, or how he even got there but what he knew for sure was that the psycho had gotten to him. And he had no way out.

"I can tell you're awake," he heard the man say with an annoyed tone. If he was so angry with him, why bring him here in the first place? Ethan wondered. He shook his arms, trying to get free but that only made his body ache worse.

"Stop squirming," James ordered him.

If Ethan could roll his eyes, he would have. Was he trying to help him? Of course not! He was a narcissistic abusive asshole. Ethan knew he couldn't get out of this even if he tried, and unless by some miracle, his friends and the police found him, he was going to be stuck here for a while. He only hoped that wherever Mitchell was, he was safe. Safe, and away from this monster he called father.

I've realized that I need to be in a particular type of mood to write this part of the story. I hope it lasts for as long as I need it.

I want to apologize for the long wait after that cliffhanger. Of course, this one also ends in a cliffhanger but I'm doing my best to bring out the rest of the story as fast as possible. So, I hope you can forgive me for this.

I also want to thank you all for reading, commenting and voting on the story. It has now reached about 80,000 reads and this is actually very surprising as I didn't have much hope for it. I'm very happy with how it's turning out though and I'm really grateful to you all.

Thank you.

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