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Dedicated to DramaDimple thank you for the votes and comments. I appreciate it immensely.


"I thought you were on a trip with your parents," Shane asked once Meghan sat down beside him. All eyes turned to her since they had all been thinking the same thing.

"Aren't you glad to see me?" she pouted making them chuckle.

"Oh but I am," Shane reassured her, pecking her cheeks. Ethan noticed something off there but immediately brushed it aside.

"I know you are," she pinched his cheeks. "Okay, well, we went to Hawaii for my cousin's wedding on Saturday so my parents decided to just spend the week there," she explained. "We were there on Monday and I took a sunbath as you can see," she said, gesturing to her body and they laughed.

That sunbath worked it's magic, Ethan agreed. Although a gay boy, he knew when a girl looked good and beautiful, and Meghan was just that, beautiful.

"But, my dad got a call from work so we had to come back right away," she told them.

Ethan nodded. That seemed reasonable, and at least, she wasn't going to lose hours at school just for a vacation. She would be able to catch up to them since she only missed like a day or two. After they had lunch, Ethan left the side of his friends to make a quick break in the bathroom before heading to class. As he went, he couldn't help but look around the cafeteria for Mitchell. He hadn't seen the boy enter and after Meghan had arrived, his attention had totally shifted from him.

So, it was no wonder why he would want to know where the blue eyed boy was. He didn't find him however and decided to forget about what happened altogether.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. There was no way he could forget about it. Mitchell was being weird, not the good weird, and let's face it, was there even a good weird? He was acting weird, who knew what he was up to? Ethan wondered.

With how closed off Mitchell was, Ethan was scared that the boy was actually serious about what he had said.

As they made their way back to class when lunch was over, Ethan and Shane strolled behind the girls who were dragging Dave along with them saying they wanted to show him something. He looked back at the two boys with pleading eyes which only made them laugh harder at his plight.

Ethan glanced at Shane and noticed that the boy was deep in thought. Over the past few days, although Ethan had been hanging out with Mitchell, he was still ever observant when it came to his friends and truth be told, he had noticed that there was something wrong with Shane.

It wasn't abnormal that Shane would go quiet when around them since that was just how he was naturally. However, it had become quite too much. He would get lost in his won thoughts and would be day dreaming about something. Whatever it was, Ethan wanted to know so that if his friend needed help or advice, he would do what he could.

"Alright, what's the matter?" he h asked as they were nearing the gym for P. E.

"What do you mean?" Shane asked him, opening the door to the gymnasium.

"You're more quiet than usual and this only happens when something is wrong. So as your best friend, I demand to know what's bothering you," Ethan replied jokingly but with a hint of seriousness behind his tone as he really wanted to help his friend.

"Oh really?" Shane scoffed. "Was I your best friend last week too when you blew me off?" he retorted with a glare. "And while we're on the topic, what's up with you and leaving us for that emo kid huh?"

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