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"Blue?" Ethan asked, almost surprised to see Mitchell with so much anger lurking in those beautiful blue eyes of his.

"G- go aw- away!"


What? Ethan was shocked to say the least. He stood outside the classroom, still in shock at what Mitchell said that his mouth couldn't form any words and it was almost too late when he saw Mitchell's retreating form before he could understand the severity of what just happened.

Mitchell asked him to go away. He had insisted that he left him alone with not so many words, and with a glare that may be as well be interpreted as shooting daggers, Ethan face contorted to a frown. Mitchell didn't want him anymore?

Scratch that. Mitchell didn't want to be friends anymore? Why did he ask him to go away?

Ethan ran after the boy who was making his way to the cafeteria and caught him half way there.

"Mitchell," he called out once he stood face to face with him. "What did you say?" he asked with a tone full of exasperation and sadness.

Mitchell only shook his head at the boy and began to walk away, leaving Ethan even more confused.

"Wait. Where are you going? Explain to me, why did you say that?" Mitchell didn't mean that, did he? Ethan asked himself. Of course, he didn't. It was all probably just a misunderstanding. Maybe he just heard something or saw something and wanted to be alone for a while, right?

Ethan sighed. He hoped that he hadn't done anything to upset the boy, but he couldn't help feeling guilty for whatever it might be. Maybe he had done something wrong. The question however was what?

Following Mitchell's direction, he walked to the cafeteria, not to eat, but to clear his mind. What Mitchell had said still lingered in his mind and he couldn't think of any reason, none at all, that would make the blue eyed boy do that. Sighing, he scanned the cast room looking for him but his eyes never met his.

Shaking his head, he walked towards his usual table where his friends sat. He knew they were going to ask questions, of course they were. Why wouldn't they? He had been acting off lately, and good friends will definitely want to know why. Ethan was not ready to answer them. He wouldn't even know where to begin with.

"Guess who finally decided to show his face," Dave taunted as Ethan sat down. Ethan only glared at him. He wasn't ready for this. With so much going on in his mind just from the little that Mitchell said, he wasn't ready for a fight with one his best friends.

"What, your boy toy gave you permission to join us now?" Dave asked with a glared of his own.

"What are you talking about?" Ethan questioned.

"Oh shut it. You know perfectly well what I'm talking about. Don't act so dumb. Since that emo boy got here, you don't even want to hang out with us anymore," he seethed.

Ethan gulped. This was true. As much as he wanted to deny it, he couldn't. He had been so focused on Mitchell that he only wanted to be with him. But how could they blame him? He wanted to get to know him, and what better way to get to know him than being with him at all times.

"I'm sorry," he whispered just as Dave's girlfriend, Tris sat down. Dave immediately hugged her and kissed her lips, basically ignoring Ethan. The blond boy sighed and turned his attention to Shane, not wanting to intrude.

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