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"Ethan! Ethan!" Shane shouted after the running boy who paid no heed to him. "Where the hell does he think he's going?" he asked as he turned back to look at his friends, throwing his hands up in frustration. Not knowing what was going on, and swing his best friend sitting on the floor, bawling his eyes out after quarreling with a teacher who may be a psychopath, did not sit well with Shane.

"I'm assuming it has something to do with this," said Tris who held up the note that Ethan had given to Dave.

"What is it?" Shane asked.

"It's from Mitchell."


"Yes, he left," Dave simply said.

It took Shane a second but when he did get it, he snatched the note from Tris and began to read out loud.

As Shane read the note, Dave's fists clenched and unclenched, proving how angry he felt at the whole situation. He did not understand how Mitchell could just leave like that. They were trying their best to help, weren't they? It was only a matter kf time and that psychopath would be back in prison where he belonged. So, why did he leave?

Did he not understand that they all cared about him? That was what angered Dave. Because to him, Mitchell was now part of their family, and his decision was very selfish.

"He really couldn't have left right?" Shane asked, his voice soft and heart weary at what he had just read.

"I guess so," said Tris rather solemnly as she rubbed her arms. "I really don't get it. Why? Sure, he explained that he did not want to hurt Ethan, but don't you think he's doing so by leaving? And I really don't think Mitchell wants to hurt Ethan. What if Mr. Anderson had something to do with it?" she ranted, looking at each person pointedly.

Meghan nodded. "That would make sense. Maybe he told Mitchell that he would hurt Ethan if he Mitchell didn't leave," she explained. "What if he's blackmailing him or something?"

"I thought he said he had nothing to do with it," Shane argued.

"Are you daft?!" Dave shouted, chuckling in amusement. "Everything has to do with him. He's the reason Mitchell is so fucked up! He's the reason Mitchell had to leave. He is the reason WE ARE IN THIS FUCKING MESS!" he exclaimed and turned towards the classroom, leaving no room for further discussion.

The rest of the group followed after him, wondering what he was planning on doing. It wasn't until they got to the classroom that they realized that Dave wanted to question Mr. Anderson further.

The strange thing however was that the man had disappeared. There was simply no trace of him whatsoever, not even a pen to show that there had been a human sitting at that desk.

"Oh fuck me!" Shane said, earning glares from the three.

"I fucking knew it!" exclaimed Dave.

"We need to find Ethan," Shane said.

"Okay, you two go while Meg and I try calling whoever McGriffith if from the number Mitchell left behind as well as the police," Trust suggested as Meghan nodded.

"Right. We'll first go to Mitchell's place since that's where Ethan would look," Dave said, already starting to leave.

"And I'll ask Jeremy to track Mitchell's phone. He might find him sooner," Shane said, making them all pause.

"You know someone who can track his phone?!"

"Why didn't you say so earlier?!"

"Who's Jeremy?"

Shane blushed instantly, "My boyfriend," he mumbled just as Tris said, "Now's not the time Meg."

Meghan simply rolled her eyes at Tris and then raised a brow at Shane who shied away from her look, realizing that they really need to have a talk.

Dave just shook his head at his friend and said, "Call him. Now. We need to get to Ethan. Anderson's already on the move. Let's go, now!" he insisted making everyone move to do their assigned task.

Another short chapter. Only one more to go before we start the longer ones again. Sorry, I'm still trying to get back into the writing mood. I hope you liked this chapter, even though things are still not okay with our boys.

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting.

I love you.


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