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sorry for any typos.


Waking up from bed at the usual 4:00 am, he groans silently. He knows not to do it loudly so his dad wouldn't hear him. That would mean worse pain than the night before. He drags himself off his tiny and uncomfortable bed gently, hoping it wouldn't creak. Much to his dismay, it does creak and he knows what's to come.

Before anything can happen, he walks down the stairs to the kitchen and starts scrubbing the floor after getting the water and detergent ready. He has to do it every morning and every night. It doesn't matter that he has done it eight hours before. He's on his hands and knees and he uses every bit of energy in his weak and tiny body to make the kitchen sparkly.

He presses his hands on the floor to rest a bit but he winces in pain. He takes a look at his palm and sees blood dripping. Another piece of broken glass pierced him. This may be the eighth time in two weeks it had happened. He knows not to cry out loud else what would happen would be much more painful than the glass in his palm.

He hurries with the cleaning before attending to the living room. There are pieces of broken glass and bottles of alcohol everywhere. It hurts him that his father has become such a monster but he knows there's nothing he can do about it.

He carries the bucket of water to the center of the room and screams loudly in pain when he steps on a sharp and pointed surface on the floor. He can see blood dripping from his feet and he can't stop the tears that are running down his cheek. He sits on the floor by the couch and weeps in pain whiles holding his right leg over his left knee.

The sole of his foot is throbbing in pain and the blood doesn't stop. The tears that run down his face are like a neverending waterfall and he whimpers painfully. He hears footsteps behind him and his heart skips a beat.

Before he can get up to do anything, large arms grab him and start to drag him towards the stairs.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE LET ME GO!" he cries in pain.

The man doesn't listen to his pleas and continues to drag him up the stairs.

"I- I'M S-SORRY! I D-DIDN'T MEAN T-TO!" he weeps. "STOP!".

He knows his pleas are falling on deaf ears but he just wants to try. He is thrown into the room like always and he knows what's going to come next.

He cried out sharply as he got up from his sleep. His forehead dribbled with sweat and his temperature was high. His room was hot instead of its usual cold temperature and to top it all off, his nightmares were back. They seemed to have gone within the few weeks that he had been in Angel Falls but he knew they would come back. He expected them to return, but not so soon. He wasn't ready.

He felt his eyes welling up in tears and the only thing he knew to do was rub them before they rolled down his cheeks. But rubbing his eyes didn't keep his tears from falling this time and he began to cry as he remembered the pain and torture he went through. The nightmare he just had was only the tip of the iceberg and somehow, he was glad that he got up before it got any worse.

He went into his bathroom, knees shaking, but not bothering to do anything about it. He opened the tap and splashed water on his face to stop the tears from flowing. He knew it wouldn't work, he just wanted to help himself. He was tired of being helpless. From being weak and not doing anything to help himself. He was fed up.

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