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Dedicated to _channy_

The days came by and went. Time moved on. The season was changing. It wasn't raining as much and all was calm. Fall had begun. But Ethan wasn't going to risk it. He had a dream about Mitchell shivering in the cold the night they were at the diner.

Not wanting to leave the boy alone, and having promised him, Ethan went to Mitchell's house everyday of the past week to drive him to work. It didn't just stop there, he went there early in the mornings too to take the boy to school.

When Mitchell had declined on the first day, shaking his head as much as he could, Ethan only laughed and asked him to get in.

And who was Mitchell to say no? He loved hanging out with the blonde boy more than he would admit to anybody. He loved the attention he was receiving from said boy. No one ever paid any attention to him and if they did, it was usually to look down at him with pity.

Ethan was different. He didn't walk on eggshells around him. He acted with Mitchell the same way he did with his friends, even though it was much gentler. The greatest thing about it all was that, Ethan didn't look at him with pity and he loved that very much.

It was a Tuesday morning, the sun was barely out and there was a cool breeze. Mitchell was stood on his porch, twirling his keys on his finger and biting his lip ring. He felt good as he waited for Ethan to pick him up.

He had looked at himself in the mirror today. Shocking, he knew, but today was a good day. A good day in the sense that, Mitchell didn't look down on himself as he saw his reflection. Today, he saw the boy that Ethan smiled at every day with bright emerald eyes. He saw someone who was coming out of his shell and leaving his past behind.

Mitchell smiled to himself, shifting on his feet. He brushed his hair to the side and pulled his black jacket closer. It was cold today. He just hoped the sun would come out soon.

Speaking of the sun, Ethan's car parked in front of Mitchell's house a few minutes later. Mitchell's face lit up at that and he rushed down the stairs to the car.

"H-hi," he whispered when he sat down.

"Good morning Blue," Ethan smiled at him. "How are you today?"

"Good," Mitchell nodded. "A-and you?"

"I'm perfect." Ethan then started the car and began the drive to school. "Your hair's growing out," he pointed out.

Mitchell's hand instantly went up to brush his hair to cover his face. Did Ethan not like it? He wondered.

"Have you dyed it before?" Ethan asked.

Mitchell nodded. His natural hair color was brown and not black. He had only dyed it because he saw some do it once and it looked cool to him, the same for his lip piercing. Mitchell loved having black hair. Not only was it a nice colour, it made him feel closer to his mom. After all, he began wearing it after her funeral.

"I'm only asking because I can see your roots coming in," Ethan said making Mitchell gasp. The blue eyed boy's hand went up to touch his head and it was then that he realized that his jacket today had no hood on it.

How did he not realize it before?

Probably because you couldn't get your mind off him, his inner voice said. This made Mitchell blush profusely but Ethan didn't seem to notice as he neared a sharp curve. Even if he did, he didn't give any indication to Mitchell.

Mitchell looked out the window, not wanting to embarrass himself further. He was shocked to have forgotten something so important. Now, people at school were going to see his face. He preferred being invisible; that way, he wouldn't have to deal with the weird looks he got from them. How was he going to go through the day, the boy wondered.

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