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First of all, it's been more than a month and I am sorry for the lack of updates. I wasn't sure how to write this particular chapter and I kept postponing it. I've tried to really explain how Ethan is feeling but it's still not enough. I haven't been really good at descriptive essays so I hope you can forgive that.

Secondly, this is probably the shortest chapter I've ever written.


"No, no, no!" was all Ethan could say and think. How? Why? What? None of the questions were clear in his mind. Nothing was clear. His hands kept shaking as he held the letter, his eyes blurry from the tears threatening to fall, the only words from his mouth being, "No, no!"

This did not make sense. Nothing did. Nothing written on that blasted sheet of paper made sense to Ethan. What did Mitchell mean by "I am leaving..."
Where was he? Why did he leave this note in Ethan's pocket? And was it even Mitchell that wrote it?

Ethan looked at the writing over and over again, trying to decipher if the writing was really Mitchell's, and what the meaning behind the words were. However, the tears welling up in his eyes interfered with his sight, some even dropping and smearing the words.

"No," was all Ethan could muster. This couldn't be happening. Not after everything they had done. Not after what they had been through and especially not when things were getting good between them. Not after they had said I love you.

How could Mitchell do this?

"No!" he screamed, getting up from his chair in haste. He run up to Mr. Anderson's desk, grabbing the man by his collar.

"Where is he?!" Ethan shouted. "What did you do to him?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Anderson shouted in response.

"Don't play dumb with me asshole. WHERE IS HE?"

"Get back to your seat before I make you!" Anderson replied, looking rather calm for someone who had this throat his someone else's hands.

"SHUT UP!" Ethan screamed, frustrated that he wasn't getting the answers he deserved. "Tell me where he is!" he shouted in Anderson's face, oblivious of the confused stares he was receiving from his friends.

Anderson frowned then, grabbed onto Ethan's arms and tried to pull away from the boy's grip but Ethan only tightened his hold on him.

"Ethan, what's going on?" Dave asked, finally getting tired of the back and forth between Ethan and Mr. Anderson.

"This asshole has done something to Mitchell," Ethan seethed in response as he threw the paper to Dave.

"I don't know what he's talking about," Anderson said with a roll of his eyes. "What ever you think has happened has nothing to do with me so let go of me!" he insisted and pushed Ethan so hard that it sent the boy stumbling back.

But Ethan didn't back down. "IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOU!" he shouted and then winced at the pain his chest. In a second, he lunged at Anderson again but his friends were there to hold him back this time.

"Get him out of here before I do something I might not regret," Anderson said, frowning at each person in the room.

With a sigh, Dave, together with Shane, dragged Ethan out of the room with Tris and Meghan following.

"Where is he?" Ethan asked once they were in the hallway. "Where is he?" he asked, voice cracking. Where was Mitchell? If Anderson claimed to not know of Mitchell's whereabouts, then, did that mean that Mitchell decided this on his own? Ethan refused to believe that Mitchell would leave without saying goodbye to his face.

"Ethan, when did you get this?" Dave asked, his eyes still on the note.

Ethan shrugged. "I don't know. He must have slipped it in my pocket when we were...," he trailed off as he remembered what they had been doing before detention. "Oh God!" he cried as he sunk to the floor, how's face wet with tears.

That explained why Mitchell was so eager to do that. Why hasn't he noticed anything?

"When you what?" Shane questioned.

"I don't know. I don't know why... Why would he do this? Why did he leave?" Ethan cried. His mind was foggy from everything that was going on. The only things running in his mind at that moment were Mitchell saying I love you and the words on the note he left behind,

I am leaving Ethan.

I hope you don't intend to come after me...

I don't want to cause you any more harm...

I love you so much...

I love you Ethan.

'Then why did you leave?' Ethan thought. If he loved him so much, why did he leave?

"Ethan! Ethan!" his friends called but Ethan's mind says far away.

"I hope you don't intend to come after me..."

No. He couldn't allow Mitchell to leave just like that. And given how it hadn't really been long, he couldn't have gotten far. So with a new found determination, Ethan rose up with haste and ran from the classroom to his car, without any destination in mind, but with hope to find Mitchell before he really disappeared from his life.

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