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Ethan smiled when the final bell rang, marking the close of the day. He should have been a bit annoyed that he got in detention but that was the least of his problems. He was going to spend time with Mitchell and that was something to be glad about. He finished packing up his books as fast as he could and turned to look at Mitchell who seemed to have zoned out. Ethan took the time to study the boy.

It was easy to notice how pale the boy was even from afar, but then, up close, he was really beautiful. His eyelashes were long enough to make any girl jealous and if they had the patience to get to know Mitchell, Ethan thought, then they could actually become good friends. Considering girls liked such things. Looking at Mitchell like this, admiring him as he sat there, reminded Ethan of when he had him in his bed, so close. 

To him, that was heaven. Having Mitchell so close to him, in his arms and never letting go is the only thing he dreamed of and he was a bit determined to have him all to himself.

His eyes wondered to the boys lips. They were a bit chapped, probably because of the cold weather. He still wanted to kiss them though. Ethan licked his lips at the thought of feeling Mitchell's lips on his. He wondered if they would be soft. He hoped Mitchell was a good kisser, if not, he might have to teach him. But Ethan had only kissed once and it was with Liz. He didn't like it but he still hoped that when he kissed Mitchell, it would be amazing.

He didn't ignore the freckles on the boy's cheeks. They were quite cute and somehow, added to that look of innocence the boy sported. His skin was beautiful. He hoped that Mitchell would show off more skin once winter was over. But winter hadn't even started yet, a few more weeks but even then, the weather was cold so he couldn't say anything. He liked him just the way he was.

Before Ethan could look away, his eyes locked in with the perfect blue eyes that he longed for. They boy was staring intensely at him with an unreadable expression. Something flickered in Mitchell's eyes but before he could make it out, it went as quickly as it came. Someone cleared their throat beside him, breaking the stare down between Mitchell and Ethan.

Ethan turned to see Shane and Dave standing in front of him. He raised a brow at them.

"Ain't you coming?" Dave asked.

"Detention," he muttered in response.

"Oh," Shane nodded. "Well, we'll see you later then," he said and smiled whiles looking at Mitchell making Ethan frown. Why was he being nice?

"Yeah, see you later dude," Dave waved and they left.

If looks could kill, Shane would have been dead, because Ethan was shooting daggers at his back as they left. Why did he smile at Mitchell as if he knew something he didn't know? It was weird. Or maybe Ethan was just over thinking it. Shane was probably just being friendly, but what the hell?

He didn't have any reason to be jealous because Mitchell didn't even react but Ethan couldn't help it. Sighing, he picked up his backpack and stood up, looking down at Mitchell who was now putting his books in his bag. When he was done, Ethan held out a hand to him.

He felt a pang in his chest at the way Mitchell looked at his held out hand before looking at his face. It was as if Mitchell was contemplating taking it but the long wait made Ethan self-conscious. To hide his pain at being rejected, he put his hand back in his pocket.

"I was just trying to be nice," he mumbled, not sure if Mitchell heard but he hoped he did. Ethan was only trying to be nice. He stood by the table waiting for Mitchell to stand so they would leave but the boy was just sitting there, doing nothing, making Ethan pout in frustration. He knew, however, that he had to take his time with Mitchell. Some people just needed a lot more time and if he was ever going to get really close to the boy as he wanted, he would have have to exercise patience.

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