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Are there any typos? I'm not sure...


Ethan walked towards the couch in the living room, carrying Mitchell. He sat down and allowed the boy to straddle him. Mitchell buried his face in Ethan's neck, still shaken from the flashback and panic attack he had just endured.

Ethan rubbed Mitchell's back affectionately, whispering sweet words in the boy's ears and promising that he was right there with him, to help him go through it all. After a while, Mitchell seemed to calm down and Ethan decided to allow him sit down whiles he went to answer the house phone which hadn't stopped ringing.

The moment Ethan shifted in his seat, Mitchell held onto him for dear life. Ethan smiled slightly, amused at how the boy was acting but also worried about what could have caused it.

"Maybe you should answer the phone," he suggested as the ringing was starting to get annoying.

"MhmMhm," Mitchell disagreed, shaking his head. He wanted nothing to do with that phone. He didn't want to hear anymore bad news.

"Then I'm getting it," Ethan said.

Mitchell just shrugged. He didn't care what Ethan did, as long as he didn't leave him, and as long as he didn't listen to the voice on the other side of the phone.

Ethan sighed as he got up, still carrying Mitchell in his arms. The boy was glued to him like a koala bear hugging a tree. Ethan beamed at that. He was thrilled that Mitchell trusted him so much, that the boy felt safe with him and he wanted to do whatever he could to keep Mitchell safe and untroubled.

He walked towards the phone and picked up the receiver, answering the call.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Who are you?" a grumpy voice questioned.

"You're the one calling," Ethan argued, frowning. Who just calls someone to ask who they were.

"I want to speak with Mitchell. Now where is he and what the hell are you doing in his house?"

Ethan gulped. Was this the man that Mitchell feared? He wondered, because he was starting to get an uneasy feeling.

"Blue, there's a man looking for you," he whispered to the boy.

"McGriffith," Mitchell answered simply, making Ethan frown. It wasn't enough to go on, but at least, he knew that Mitchell knew the person.

"McGriffth?" He asked.

"Hmm, that's Sir to you," the grumpy man answered. "Are you Ethan Knowles?"

"Yes. How... How did you know?"

"I know a lot of things kid. I guess you're with him then?"

"Yes, yes sir."

"Good. Keep him safe. I'll call later with news and he better answer this time. If anything happens, call me. He has the number." the man stated and ended the call.

Ethan had never been so shook in his life. This was by far the weirdest phone call he had ever made.

"What did he want?" Mitchell asked, sighing as Ethan sat back down in the couch.

"He just wanted to know where you were," he answered, not bothering to mention the part about keeping Mitchell safe.

"As usual," the boy sighed. He finally got up from Ethan's laps and laid on the couch, his head resting on the boy's lap. "You're probably wondering why," he stated making Ethan nod.

"Well, as you know, my dad is kind of a psychopath," he said.

"Blue, if it makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to tell me," Ethan told him, even though he was dying to know what the call was all about.

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