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Mitchell woke up to the sound of someone snoring quietly beside him. His eyes shot wide as he panicked, flashes of a past he verily wanted to remain hidden crawled back to the front of his mind. His breath became uneven as he looked around, trying his best to decipher exactly where he was until his eyes laid upon Ethan who was sleeping soundly.

Mitchell let out a sigh as he realized he was in Ethan's home and that it was the blond boy whose arm was around him, snuggling him. For a moment, Mitchell thought he'd hate being this close to someone, having another's arms around him in this way, no matter how platonic it was. But for some reason, that moment did not come. His cheeks heated up, a hint of redness coating his face to the tips of his ears as he realized that he actually did like the feeling of being so close to someone who was not hurting him.

But all good things had to come to an end. Mitchell knew he couldn't stay there forever, not even for the night. He didn't know what time it was but he had to leave. The question he asked himself though was, what will Ethan do when he finds out I'm in his bed? He may not even remember why Mitchell was in his bed. The boy was probably gonna wake up and think Mitchell was a creep for being in his bed instead of his girlfriend or whatever.

Knowing this, Mitchell carefully took Ethan's arms away from his body and slowly got out of the bed. He looked at the boy one last time and saw how cute he looked in his sleep. He couldn't help himself, so he bent down and kissed him on his forehead, just like his mom used to do. He did it because even though he didn't know him, Mitchell felt like he could trust him. And maybe Ethan would be the only guy who could get Mitchell to learn to trust again. He gave him hope, in a way. All his small acts of kindness were enough to make a big difference in Mitchell's life, no matter how short their interaction was going to be and he appreciated it.

He looked at the papers sprawled on the desk and he took the pen. He wrote a thank you note on it, as big as he could so that Ethan would see it. He knew it wasn't much but at least, Ethan would know he appreciated him.

He left the room, closed the door quietly and went down the stairs. He hoped that no one would be around though. Then when he got to the front door, he realized how stupid he was. What if it was locked? He sighed. Well, he was in luck because when he gripped the doorknob, it opened.

He sighed in relief, yet he wondered why the door was opened during the night. Anyway, that was not his problem although he cared and hoped nothing would happen to Ethan.

When he turned to look at the house, he remembered it as the one he saw on his way back from the lake a week ago. Lovely family, he thought and turned away, following the path to his own house.

The sky was getting brighter by the time he got home which meant it was morning. He walked to his door and put his hands in his pocket only to realize that his key was not there. He panicked and put his hands in the other pocket but it wasn't there either. Not even the small knife was. For a moment, Mitchell got scared that he had misplaced his key since the spare keys were inside the house. He sat in front of the door trying to remember where he must have placed it.

I didn't get to the lake, so definitely not there. That's when it began raining, he thought. Then he sighed, remembering he had changed his clothes at Ethan's place. But how was he going to get them back? He was aware that Ethan had washed the clothes but they were definitely not dry yet. But that didn't bother him. He just needed to get his keys.

Mitchell sat there for a while doing nothing but thinking about the guy who practically saved him from getting a cold. It was nice, what Ethan did for him and he smiled. Not many people gave a shit about a stranger, and especially someone like Mitchell, but Ethan was different. Even though it was simply picking him up from the streets and giving him a place to sleep for the night, Mitchell loved it. He also loved it because Ethan actually cuddled with him. He had never done that with anyone who didn't hurt him, especially after his mother's death, so he definitely felt loved.

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