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Typing with long nails is so much harder than I thought. 😭 Sorry if there are typos.


The period they dreaded the most had finally arrived. With the current thoughts and conclusions about Mr. Anderson running through their minds, it was safe to say that the whole group would rather drop out of school, than be five feet near him.

Once they were seated, the man walked in his usual arrogant strides, his eyes dead set on someone. Mitchell shivered as his father's eyes finally found him. The man smirked at him, which was oblivious to the girls who were smitten with him as they cooed over how hot the man was. Even hearing his voice made him shudder. It didn't help that the man was hell bent on making Mitchell's life worse since he seem to direct every question to him once the class started.

"Mitchell, can you tell me what poetic justice is?" Mr. Hilton asked.

Mitchell stared dead straight at the man. At this point, he new ghat he didn't be surprised that the man would address him so publicy, but that still didn't stop the hairs on his back from standing. He opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out.

"When I ask you a question, I expect an answer!" he scolded.

"Poetic justice is  --," Ethan started to explain.

"You'll get your turn, Knowles!" Mr. Hilton stated, narrowing his eyes at Ethan as he walked towards their table.

"Well, I wouldn't have to answer if you didn't keep forcing him to!" Ethan responded.

The man just took in a deep breath. He leaned down towards Ethan, saying in a low voice, "I've had it with you and your attitude, Ethan Knowles. You don't want to get on my bad side."

"Do your worst!" Ethan seethed.

"Detention!" Mr. Hilton exclaimed, snatching a piece of paper from his back pocket and slipped it to Mitchell's desk. With a smirk on his face, he whispered to Ethan, "Watch me."

Ethan grit his teeth in silent fury. "He didn't do anything!" he also but screamed at the man's back making the rest of the class turn to him weirdly.


"No, you listen!" Ethan retorted, ready to stand and defend Mitchell at all cost but Mitchel held onto his arm, pulling him back down.

"Please stop, you'll make it much worse," he whispered to Ethan. Ethan sighed, defeated as he turned to Mitchell. "I'm okay, it's really not a big deal," he said, sounding a bit cheerful.

"No but it is, Blue. Why can't he just leave you alone?" he whispered back?

Mitchell just shrugged. "I don't know, and I don't think he will but let's just forget about him for now," he replied and squeezed Ethan's hands as a way to reassure him.

Ethan nodded then, but that did not mean he was going down without a fight. From that moment on, he did all that he could to get him into detention as well but Mr. Anderson was hell bent on ignoring him. Even after all the jokes he made in class, using his phone and talking loudly, which was very uncharacteristic of him, he still did not get punished.

Ethan then knew he had to get it some other way. Luckily for him, English was not their last period and just going late to that class was enough to get him punished. Seeing that slip of paper made Ethan so excited. At least, he outsmarted Mr. Anderson.

"Why the hell would you get yourself into detention?" Shane asked as Ethan sat behind him.

"Mr. Anderson gave Mitchell detention for doing nothing. You were there!" Ethan rolled his eyes at Shane's forgetfulness.

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