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It felt like Deja Vu because this day reminded Ethan of the day that Mitchell told him to go away. But this felt worse because at that time, they were just getting to know each other. It reminded Ethan of the time Mitchell said he needed some time for himself, which wasn't long ago. But this hurt worse because, at that time, Ethan was sure Mitchell would come back to him.

This, however, was unlike anything Ethan had ever felt in his life. It felt wrong. It felt like the end. It felt like he was never to hear Mitchell's voice again. It felt like he was never going to see Mitchell's blue eyes again. It felt like he was never going to have Blue in his arms again.

It felt like hell.

Ethan released a huge breath the moment he sat in his car. His heart was thinking loudly in his chest, hammering with each beat. His lips quivered as he tried to calm down, but try as he might, he only got worse. His thoughts were all over the place.

He really just wanted to drive quickly to Mitchell's, hoping that he would meet the boy there before he left forever.

But Ethan was not irrational; he could not just rush to the house without being in control of himself. So wiping his teary eyes with the back of his hands, he took in a few deep breaths and started the car.

The speed with which Ethan drove to Mitchell's house was so extreme, it could put Fast and Furious to shame.

He gasped in shock when he Parker in front of Mitchell's house. This was mainly in shock because of how fast he got there. The other reason was that he finally felt that he was one step closer to seeing Mitchell.

"Blue..." He whispered. Quickly, he unbuckled his seatbelt, run out of the car and up the stairs to the porch...stopping in his tracks as he came face to face with broken glass all over the porch.

"What happened here?" He whispered to himself as he took in the scene. The window closest to the front door was smashed in with what looked like a fist, given the spots of blood he saw. The door was slightly opened but it didn't look like someone forced their way in.

Someone probably did, but who, Ethan wondered. He didn't stay outside long enough to see the broken flower pots as well since he was instantly worried about Mitchell's safety. If someone had broken in, and Mitchell was still here, he was probably in danger.

He pushed the door open and stepped into the house. The living room was quite dark so Ethan couldn't see well and even had to blink a few times to allow his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

"Blue?" He called out. "Are you here?" He asked, hoping that the boy could hear him somehow. He ran his hand on the edge of the couch as he walked across the room, taking in all of the chaos. The cushions had been taken and were lying haphazardly on the floor, the coffee tables turned over and a few books thrown apart

This did not make sense to Ethan. Did Mitchell do this?

"Blue?" He called again. "It's me. Please... where are you?" He asked, whispering the last part. Not hearing any answer, he rushed upstairs to Mitchell's room, stopping abruptly at the door. Mitchell's room was completely trashed. His sheets were all over the floor, his closet thrown apart and the entire room looked so wrong. Ethan knew there was no way that Mitchell would do this. Which meant that someone had probably been here before him but who exactly.

Ethan didn't have time to dwell on that though, because his entire focus went back to finding Blue. Because yes, it did not matter what Mitchell said in his letter, he did intend on going after him.

He rushed downstairs then, thinking of a place that Mitchell would go. By the look of things, Mitchell hadn't come back to this house. Where would he go? He wouldn't hitchhike, would he? Ethan wondered.

There weren't any clues that he could think of in Mitchell's note. The boy had simply left. Ethan wondered, what if he decided to say goodbye to the place that always kept him safe. Maybe that was where he was?

Ethan knew it was a long shot, and Blue was probably not there but, he couldn't just rule it out. Maybe Mitchell was at the lake, he decided.

But when Ethan decided to finally leave the house, a hand came up behind him and pulled him back, covering his mouth and nose in the process.

Ethan's eyes went wide and his hands came up as he struggled to get free from the muscular figure behind him. The only thing he felt, however, was his body growing weaker and his mind fuzzy. All he could think was Blue before his eyes rolled back into unconsciousness.


F-word me! Sorry if this chapter sucks. I'll probably edit it, maybe. But...ugh...sorry.

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.


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