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Mitchell ran from the school as quickly as he could with tears running down his cheeks. He knew it. The blond boy was just a fucking bully who was out to get him. When he had apologized earlier in the bathroom, he thought he could actually be nice to him.

Mitchell hid behind the door of the stall because he wanted to make sure he wasn't going to get hit. Then the boy said he wanted to be his friend. He couldn't help but smile a bit at that. No one had ever asked to be his friend and he felt special that someone who didn't know him would actually speak to him. Almost half of the school already thought he was a freak and no one sat with him at lunch. But here was this boy with lovely green eyes asking to be his friend.

He felt himself blush a bit and he didn't want the boy to see so when he asked to see him later, he nodded. He was a little bit excited that he was going to get a new friend but he knew not to get his hopes up since it could also be a trick and he would be humiliated. He sighed as he leaned against the wall in the bathroom.

He had waited for everyone to leave the cafeteria before going to class because he was afraid of getting shoved into a locker, or getting bullied in general. Mitchell was aware that the teachers knew about his predicament and they all seemed to sympathize with him, which although he was grateful for, hated the attention it brought on whenever he was near any of them. He hated being pitied.

He walked into the classroom and saw the blond boy sitting there at the back talking with a group of people. He remembered one of them, Shane, from his Maths class. Mitchell quickly put his head down when the blond boy's head shot up because he instantly felt his cheeks heat up, and he didn't want him to see that.

After school though, he wanted the boy to know that he wasn't holding a grudge against him. Since he hadn't been able to give a response to the boy's apology earlier, Mitchell wanted to correct his mistake. It was brave of him to even think of doing such a thing, he knew that. But he wanted to.

He waited for everyone to leave class before skipping over a bit joyfully to where he saw the boy with his friends. He hesitated at first, feeling intimidated. That was because he didn't know what to say or how to say it. Mitchell wasn't dumb, but he hated to talk. He wanted to say the right things at the right time so he didn't get into trouble.

Taking in a deep breath, he walked over to where the boy and his group of friends stood, rubbing his palms over his jeans to get the sweat off. He hid behind Shane a little bit since Shane was much taller and bigger than him, in fact, all three boys were. He waited a bit to know if this was the right moment to say hi or at least, something close to that but as soon as Mitchell opened his mouth, the green eyed boy shouted, startling him.

Mitchell was confused so he stepped away from Shane to look at the boy. He timidly watched as the boy shouted angrily at his friends and Mitchell became scared. It wasn't the first time he had seen someone so angry but this wasn't what he expected. He flinched when a locker was slammed, shutting his eyes tightly as the sound vibrated off the walls.

He knew it. This was probably because of him. He had been staring at the boy for far too long and he was going to get beaten for it. Before he knew it, Mitchell ran out of the school to his house, crying as he did so. He felt so alone, more than before. The only person who said he wanted to be friends with him was now angry at him.

He didn't know why or what happened but he was almost sure that he had done something wrong. He should have just kept his distance. After all, he had been told time and time again that no one would love him by the person who was supposed to care for him. If his own father couldn't give a damn, why would a stranger? Mitchell hated to think this way, but there was no helping it. He was already broken, mentally and emotionally.

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