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When Ethan's parents came home later in the evening, he explained to his parents that Mitchell found it difficult sleeping at home all by himself and so he wanted to spend the night with a friend. He didn't go into details, or even have to tell them about Mr. Anderson, and his parents didn't ask any further question. It seemed his mother, Karla was even glad to have Mitchell in her house since the only time she saw him was at the diner.

So the two boys headed straight to bed after dinner, and of course, after wishing Samantha and Sabrina a good night.

"So, what do you want to do now?" asked Ethan when they entered his room. Mitchell shrugged, taking a seat on Ethan's bed. He rubbed the bed, remembering how they had just cuddled in it once they got here after school. Could they do that again? He wondered.

"How about we take a bath?" Ethan asked. He hoped that a bath would at least help Mitchell relax.

"To- together?" Mitchell asked, stuttering and blushing a deep red.

"Um..." Ethan mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. "If you want to." He wanted to leave the pace of their relationship up to Mitchell. Ethan did not want to rush into anything that would make his boyfriend panic and have their relationship move two steps back.

Mitchell licked his lips at the thought of taking a bath with Ethan. He really wanted to. After all, Ethan was his boyfriend and he should be able to do these kinds of things with him. And if he really thought about it, it wasn't such a big deal. It was just a bath.

But he still wondered, what would he think if he saw Mitchell having a bath with another boy?

The thought alone made Mitchell shudder in fear. But he did not want to think about that man at this moment. Even though he was in their town, and even though he could hurt him at any moment, Mitchell wanted to have this unique moment with Ethan. He wanted to savour every moment they would share together until they couldn't anymore.

"Yeah, please," he agreed making Ethan beam.

"I'll go set it up right now. You just relax," Ethan said excitedly as he went to get the bath ready, but not before kissing Mitchell's forehead softly. "I love you, Blue."

"I love you too, Ethan," Mitchell responded and pressed his lips to Ethan's gently. The blonde boy smiled and returned the kiss. Ethan hurried to get the water started and when it was warm enough, he called Mitchell to the bathroom.

Mitchell got up from the bed, rubbing his arm and suddenly feeling nervous. Ethan was going to see him naked. Although this wouldn't be the first time, he still couldn't help but worry how Ethan would think of his body. He wasn't as ripped or muscly as Ethan, not was he the cute type like Shane, and then he had scars all over his body, especially at his back. What if Ethan realized he wasn't even worth it then?

Mitchell sighed at the thoughts running through his head. If this was going to be one of the last times he was going to spend with Ethan, he should savour it and not wander about other things. He walked into the bathroom and saw Ethan getting undressed, making him blush.

Mitchell found him really hot.

"Hey," he said, pulling at his jacket sleeves.

"Hey Blue," Ethan chuckled as he threw his shirt to the hamper and came up to Mitchell, kissing him softly. "Ready?"

Mitchell nodded, "Yeah." He took off his shirt slowly, stopping when Ethan decided to help him out. By the time they were both naked, Mitchell was red all over. Ethan rubbed Mitchell's arm as a way to soothe him and placed soft kisses on his shoulders. Then he took Mitchell's hand and led him to the tub.

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