Forty-Seven (Bonus 2)

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The first weeks of living together felt weird at first. Having known each other for only three months, it didn't make sense for Ethan and Mitchell to be spending every single minute of their lives together, according to certain people that is. But the boys didn't care what people thought. They loved each other and wouldn't have it any other way.

Mitchell hated being alone in that big house all by himself and Ethan did not want Mitchell to feel alone. It worked well for the two.

As it was only a week to Christmas, Ethan's birthday was fast approaching and Mitchell wanted to plan a party for him. He did not want it to be a huge party since he was anxious around people and had only told Dave and Shane who agreed to help him plan it.

The first thing Mitchell thought of doing was to cook for Ethan. Since they started living together, and even before, Ethan had done all the cooking. While Mitchell knew how to, he just didn't feel the need to do so especially since he lived alone at the time. And sometimes, certain things he did around the house reminded him of a time he desperately wanted to forget. He knew that he shouldn't let it bother him as it was in his past, especially now of all times and given what happened a month ago, but he couldn't help it. The trauma continued to make itself known but he was getting better as time went on. Ethan being there with him every waking moment did so much more to help his progress and Mitchell was eternally grateful for that.

He wanted to at least do the barest minimum just this once for Ethan's birthday. He deserved that, Mitchell thought to himself.

So here he was on the 20th day of December with his hands deep inside pizza dough as he talked with Dave on the phone about the best toppings for Ethan's birthday party. Of course, Mitchell knew what Ethan liked best and he already had Ethan's pizza ready for the oven, what he was making now was for the rest of the group and he wanted to know if there was something anyone was allergic to.

He had called Shane to ask if Jeremy would be able to attend the party but couldn't reach him. After what had happened, the group had all gotten to know Jeremy and Mitchell thought he was a really nice guy. Being a famous YouTuber didn't change how he felt about the guy as Jeremy was humble and didn't use his fame and money to look down on others, so Mitchell really liked him.

Since he couldn't reach Shane, and due to how weird Mitchell felt about messaging the tall guy about something so trivial such as pizza toppings, he had decided to ask Dave instead. It helped that Dave was on his way to Shane's house to get him so they could pick up Ethan from the diner where he was working.

"Don't bring him now, I'm still not done with the food," Mitchell stated as he spread some flour over the counter.

"Don't worry, I just got to Shane's. We'll hangout at the diner until you're ready for us," Dave chuckled as he assured Mitchell. "Are you sure you don't need any help?"

Mitchell shook his head even though his friend couldn't see him. "Thank you, Dave. You guys have already done so much. You helped with the setup this morning and managed to get him to out of the house today," Mitchell chuckled. It took a lot to get Ethan out of the house as the blonde boy had wanted to spend his birthday at home with his boyfriend. They even got Karla in on the action and she agreed to give Ethan some work to do in order to keep him away from the house for a few hours.

"Okay, well I'm going up to Shane's room. He's probably asleep so I'll just wa- " Mitchell heard the door open and Dave stopped talking, making him frown. He heard Dave's breath increase, as though he was gasping for air, and then he sounded extremely worried, his voice cracking. "Please... please tell me that's not what I think it is," the boy said.

Mitchell heard some shuffling in the background and mumbling that sounded a lot like "I am so sorry" from Shane before he heard Dave shout in horror.

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