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Dear Ethan,

I'm so sorry that it has gotten to this point. I knew it would, honestly, but I only stayed longer because I wanted to savour the little moments that we shared.

In the time when I was at my worst, it was you who brought me out of that dark tunnel. I cannot thank you enough for that.

Even through all my insecurities, you were there for me through and through. I have come to love you Ethan, much more than I should have. I have never loved someone so much like this before. I don't know enough words that can explain what happens in my chest whenever I think of you. I love you more than my own life Ethan, which is why I have decided to do this.

There is so much more that I want to say but time won't let me. I hope you can understand why I am doing this.

Being close to you has been the best thing that have ever happened to me. I am unsure where I would be right now had I not met you. I love and cherish you so much that it pains me to leave this way.

Being close to you has only brought you harm and this is the only way I can think of to keep you from further danger.

I am leaving Ethan. I am leaving for good. I can't allow my father to get to you simply because of me. He is a psychopath and would stop at nothing until he achieves what he wants.

In this case, me.

The more I am near you, the more you become a target for him. Its not just you in danger now, but your family and friends as well.

I want you to think of your parents, your friends, your little sisters before you to decide to do anything.

And I hope that you don't intend to come after me. I have written McGriffith's other number on the back of this sheet. I have my own theory on why he didn't answer our calls, and I sincerely hope I am wrong. Call him. And tell him what has happened. He will know what to do.

I don't want to cause you anymore harm. I love you so much and I wish you all the best. I hope you can forgive me.

Please wish Karla, Sam and Sabi, a good life for me. Tell them that I wish things could have been different and I hope they can forgive me.

To our friends, please tell them that I appreciate them, and everything they have done for me. I love them too and I hope they live good lives.

I love you Ethan.


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