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Not proofread. Sorry :(

"Your face is healing nicely," Mitchell said to Ethan as they sat on his bed.

"Don't lie to me," Ethan replied and Mitchell chuckled. He wasn't lying though. Ethan didn't look as bad as Max did yesterday so he didn't really bruise that much. "It doesn't even hurt," Ethan shrugged making Mitchell nod.

"Did he say anything to you?" Mitchell asked because he was sure that Max had also been punished. Mitchell didn't like that boy. At first, he felt sorry for him because of what he and Tris had seen. He had thought that maybe Max was getting abused by their teacher and he wanted to help him. However, after what he had done, Mitchell realized that the boy wasn't a nice person at all.

"Yeah, he did," Ethan said with a frown. "Shockingly, he apologized to me," he announced.

"Wait really?" Mitchell questioned, sitting up.

"Yeah. He was acting all weird. But I did tell him he had to apologize to you," he answered.

Mitchell shook his head. "He doesn't have to. It wasn't a big deal."

Ethan reached out to touch Mitchell's shoulder and the boy immediately relaxed. "He hurt you, and for that he must apologize, if he is as sorry at he claims to be."

"I... I don't care if he doesn't. I... I'm over it."

"It's good that you're over it because I don't want you dwelling on what that asshole says," Ethan stated. "What did you do whiles I was in school? You didn't go to work today, did you?"

"Not yet. My shift is at four. I didn't do much though. Just slept and read the book I bought the other day."

"Oh? And how is it? Do you like it?"

"It's uh... It's interesting. I'm not really... I..." Mitchell stammered. He felt ashamed at he tried to tell Ethan that he couldn't really read for a long time. It wasn't that he couldn't read books at all, he just couldn't focus on them for a long time like other kids.

"Interesting?" Ethan's face fell. It was his favorite book of all time and the thought of Mitchell not liking it made him sad. Mitchell saw Ethan's face and immediately assured him that he liked the book.

"I love it actually," he said. "I just can't focus on too many words for a long time so I haven't gotten that far," he explained making Ethan relax immediately.

"That's okay then. I can read it to you sometime," Ethan offered and Mitchell beamed, looking up at the blonde boy with wide eager eyes.

"Really? Thank you so much," he exclaimed and hugged Ethan. Ethan couldn't helped the grin that appeared on his face. He quickly hugged Mitchell back, hiding his face in the tiny boy's neck and sniffing him, as if trying to remember every part of the boy, even his smell.

They held onto each other for more than a few minutes and when they finally pulled apart, Mitchell couldn't look into Ethan's eyes. It didn't help that he was blushing hard too. It wasn't his fault anyway. Had he not got an erection whiles hugging Ethan, things wouldn't have been so awkward.

Mitchell was no stranger when it came to erections. He knew what it meant but he wasn't prepared for it. What would this mean for him and Ethan? Did he like him in that way? If course, Mitchell couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards Ethan but he could only wander if Ethan felt the same way.

Ethan, who hadn't noticed the slight discomfort Mitchell was feeling in his downstairs region, cleared his throat and asked if Mitchell had eaten for the day. A question that made Mitchell blush again because he knew Ethan wanted him to eat healthy. The boy had only taken cereal in the morning and that had been it for the rest of the day.

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